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Flutter Webview two way communication with Javascript

I have an html file that I am loading in Flutter webview using flutter_webview_plugin. I am using evalJavascript to call function in my javascript code, meaning flutter(dart)->js. However, I also need some way to communicate back something to flutter(dart) layer, meaning js->flutter(dart).

I have tried using - webkit.messageHandlers.native - window.native to support both platforms(Android,iOS) checking if those are available in JS. But, those comes as undefined. Using following code to get instance of native handler in JS.

typeof webkit !== 'undefined' ? webkit.messageHandlers.native :  window.native; 

And even if I get that instance and post message using it, not sure how to handle it in flutter(dart) layer. I may need to use platform channels. Not sure, if I am in the right direction.

Is there any way through which I can do that? I have evaluated interactive_webview plugin. It works fine on Android. But, it has swift versioning issue and don't want to proceed further with that.

Any help would be appreciated.

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shrad Avatar asked Dec 09 '18 05:12


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1 Answers

Here is an example of communication from Javascript code to flutter.

In Flutter build your WebView like :

WebView(               initialUrl: url,               javascriptMode: JavascriptMode.unrestricted,               javascriptChannels: Set.from([                 JavascriptChannel(                     name: 'Print',                     onMessageReceived: (JavascriptMessage message) {                       //This is where you receive message from                        //javascript code and handle in Flutter/Dart                       //like here, the message is just being printed                       //in Run/LogCat window of android studio                       print(message.message);                     })               ]),               onWebViewCreated: (WebViewController w) {                 webViewController = w;               },             ) 

and in Your HTMLfile:

<script type='text/javascript'>     Print.postMessage('Hello World being called from Javascript code'); </script> 

When you run this code, you shall be able to see log "Hello World being called from Javascript code" in the LogCat/Run window of android studio.

like image 149
Suresh Kumar Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 17:09

Suresh Kumar