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flutter websockets autoreconnect - how to implement

I am struggling how to implement websockets autoreconnect in flutter. I use web_socket_channel, however, the plugin just wraps dart.io WebSocket, hence any solution based on WebSocket class will work for me as well.

I already figured out, how to catch the socket disconnection, see the code snippet below:

    try {
      _channel = IOWebSocketChannel.connect(

      /// Start listening to new notifications / messages
        onDone: () {
          debugPrint('ws channel closed');
        onError: (error) {
          debugPrint('ws error $error');
    } catch (e) {
      /// General error handling
      /// TODO handle connection failure
      debugPrint('Connection exception $e');

I was thinking to call IOWebSocketChannel.connect from within onDone, however, this leads to a kind of infinite loop - since I have to close the _channel prior calling connect again, this on its turn calls onDone again and so on.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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Angel Todorov Avatar asked Apr 03 '19 19:04

Angel Todorov

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1 Answers

With the package:web_socket_channel (IOWebSocketChannel) there is not any way in order to implement reconnection for the socket connections. But you can use WebSocket class in order to implement a reconnectable connection.

You can implement the WebSocket channel and then broadcast messages with StreamController class. Working example:

import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';

class NotificationController {

  static final NotificationController _singleton = new NotificationController._internal();

  StreamController<String> streamController = new StreamController.broadcast(sync: true);

  String wsUrl = 'ws://YOUR_WEBSERVICE_URL';

  WebSocket channel;

  factory NotificationController() {
    return _singleton;

  NotificationController._internal() {

  initWebSocketConnection() async {
    this.channel = await connectWs();
    print("socket connection initializied");
    this.channel.done.then((dynamic _) => _onDisconnected());

  broadcastNotifications() {
    this.channel.listen((streamData) {
    }, onDone: () {
      print("conecting aborted");
    }, onError: (e) {
      print('Server error: $e');

  connectWs() async{
    try {
      return await WebSocket.connect(wsUrl);
    } catch  (e) {
      print("Error! can not connect WS connectWs " + e.toString());
      await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 10000));
      return await connectWs();


  void _onDisconnected() {

Because the notification controller returns a singleton instance, then there will be always one Socket connection between the server and device. And with the broadcast method of StreamController, we can share the data sent by Websocket between multiple consumers

var _streamController = new NotificationController().streamController;

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Isco msyv Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 12:09

Isco msyv