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Flutter web - Upload Image File to Firebase Storage

On flutter web, I pick an image file from the computer and get a File image object. Then I want to upload it to Firebase Storage. For Android and iOS versions of the app I was using a Firebase Cloud Function and an http multipart request. It worked, but for the web version of the app it doesn't. So,

How can I upload an html image file to Firebase Storage, either directly or through a Cloud Function?

like image 818
JDE10 Avatar asked Jan 13 '20 12:01


People also ask

How do I upload images to Firebase Storage?

Create a new project on android studio or open an existing project in which you want to add authentication and add the firebase to that android application. Two buttons: one for selecting an image from gallery. other button is for uploading an image on firebase storage on the cloud.

Can you store images in Firebase?

The Firebase SDKs for Cloud Storage add Google security to file uploads and downloads for your Firebase apps, regardless of network quality. You can use our SDKs to store images, audio, video, or other user-generated content. On the server, you can use Google Cloud Storage APIs to access the same files.

2 Answers

After Combining so many posts I did it, and it works!

No, you just don't need any Kind of Universal_HTML or another image_picker_web. Just stick with Image Picker(https://pub.dev/packages/image_picker). And use the below code as I have used to upload the Image to Firebase Storage, and it works in all the way IOS, Android, Web, I hope you've already added the permission for ios and android. Let's Begin!


import 'package:firebase_storage/firebase_storage.dart';
import 'package:image_picker/image_picker.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as Path;

Call this method when you want to open a file picker in any of the above platforms!

chooseImage() async {
PickedFile? pickedFile = await ImagePicker().getImage(
      source: ImageSource.gallery,

now you've file in pickedFile use kIsWeb to find out if it's web or not!

uploadImageToStorage(PickedFile? pickedFile) async {
Reference _reference = _firebaseStorage
    await _reference
      await pickedFile!.readAsBytes(),
      SettableMetadata(contentType: 'image/jpeg'),
        .whenComplete(() async {
      await _reference.getDownloadURL().then((value) {
        uploadedPhotoUrl = value;
//write a code for android or ios

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WebRoose Development Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 02:09

WebRoose Development

Finally I managed to find a solution to this issue. To achieve this I needed to install two dependencies, firebase and universal_html. Yet difficult to find out the solution, its implementation was actually simple. Here is the code of the function I used to upload the html image file to Firebase Storage, into the "images" folder:

import 'dart:async';
import 'package:universal_html/prefer_universal/html.dart' as html;
import 'package:firebase/firebase.dart' as fb;

Future<Uri> uploadImageFile(html.File image,
      {String imageName}) async {
    fb.StorageReference storageRef = fb.storage().ref('images/$imageName');
    fb.UploadTaskSnapshot uploadTaskSnapshot = await storageRef.put(image).future;
    Uri imageUri = await uploadTaskSnapshot.ref.getDownloadURL();
    return imageUri;

I hope it helps someone with the same need as me.

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JDE10 Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 02:09