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Flutter: multiple firebase projects in one app but showing incorrect data

The last few days I spend a lot of time to read through several SO-questions and tutorials. What I'm trying to achieve is, that a user of my flutter app can choose a firebase project and log in with email/password. After the login, obviously, the correct data of the corresponding database should be shown. And that is where I fail.

After a while of reading some sites and questions from SO, I went with the following site to get the first part of the login.


After working through this article, I was able to successfully log in to my defined firebase projects.

How did I know that the login was successful? I compared the user-uids from the projects with the print statement from my app in the console. That was the prove my configuration for the non-default project is correct.

But now the main problem which I can't solve. After the login, the data is always of the default firebase project from the google-service.json.

For state management, I choose the provider package, as they mentioned in the I/O '19. So inside my main.dart, I wrap the whole application with MultipleProvider:

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MultiProvider(
      providers: [
          builder: (_) => LoginModel(),
          builder: (_) => Auth(),
      child: MaterialApp(
        title: 'Breaking News Tool',
        theme: ThemeData(
          primarySwatch: Colors.blue,
        home: RootPage(),

The provided Auth class is a service that connects to firebase sdk and also configure non-default apps to create the needed firebase auth

abstract class BaseAuth {



class Auth with ChangeNotifier implements BaseAuth {
  Auth() {

  getDefaultAuth() {
    _firebaseAuth = FirebaseAuth.instance;

  getAbnAuth() {
    _firebaseAuth = FirebaseAuth.fromApp(_abnApp);

  _configureAbnApp() {
    FirebaseOptions abnOptions = FirebaseOptions(
        databaseURL: 'https://[project-id].firebaseio.com',
        apiKey: 'AIzaSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,
        googleAppID: '1:10591xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx');
    FirebaseApp.configure(name: 'abn_database', options: abnOptions)
        .then((result) {
      _abnApp = result;

After a log in the app redirects the user to the home_page (StatefulWidget). Here I use a snapshot of the database to show data.

_stream = Firestore.instance.collection(collection).snapshots();
        child: Container(
          padding: const EdgeInsets.all(10.0),
          child: StreamBuilder<QuerySnapshot>(
            stream: _stream,
                (BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot<QuerySnapshot> snapshot) {
              if (snapshot.hasError)
                return Text('Error: ${snapshot.error}');
              switch (snapshot.connectionState) {
                case ConnectionState.waiting:
                  return Text('Loading...');
                  return ListView(
                    children: snapshot.data.documents
                        .map((DocumentSnapshot document) {
                      return CustomCard(
                        docID: document.documentID,
                        title: document[title],
                        message: document[message],
                        fromDate: document[fromDate],
                        endDate: document[endDate],
                        disableApp: document[disableApp],

In the beginning, I only had one project to connect to and the data was correct. But now I successfully connect to another project with the correct user-uid, but the data is always from the default project which is defined by the google-service.json. And at this point, I have no clue why this happens.

Did anyone have an advice or idea?

like image 793
Philip Hahn Avatar asked Jun 10 '19 20:06

Philip Hahn

People also ask

Can you have multiple Firebase projects?

However, when you want to access multiple projects from a single application, you'll need a distinct Firebase application object to reference each one individually. It's up to you to initialize these other instances.

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You can't have two projects of the same package name. Even if you delete it. It will take a least 4-5 days to get deleted fully from the developer's console. So the only solution is to generate a new SHA-1 key by custom signing the app by generating a signed apk from the android studio.

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Yes, You can use the same firebase database in more than one android application as below: In the Project Overview section of Firebase Console add an android application. For adding this application first you need to give that package name. Download config file in JSON format.

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1 Answers

You create your _stream based on Firestore.instance, which will give you the default firebase app, as documented in the docs:

/// Gets the instance of Firestore for the default Firebase app.
static Firestore get instance => Firestore();

Therefore you always get the data from the default project. To fix this you need to create your firestore using the app created by FirebaseApp.configure().

So replace:

_stream = Firestore.instance.collection(collection).snapshots();


_stream = Firestore(app: _abnApp).collection(collection).snapshots();
like image 175
ynotu. Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 16:09
