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Flutter - multiple files for screens?



I'm currently learning Flutter development (as well as Dart). It's my first mobile programming language.

I'm curious - is there a way to split screens into .dart files, or do they all have to be in the same main.dart file?

The app I'm building will have a lot of pages, so I don't want to make one giant main.dart file with 20+ different pages.

Is Flutter the right choice if I'm trying to make a large application like this?

like image 904
Rohit Ganguly Avatar asked Jul 06 '18 05:07

Rohit Ganguly

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1 Answers

You can split your code in as many files as you want. It's encouraged to have as little code as possible in lib/main.dart and all the other code split into various files. The only limitation is that code in one file (library) can not access private members of other files.

See How to reference another file in Dart? for how to import other Dart files.

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Günter Zöchbauer Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 12:09

Günter Zöchbauer