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Flutter Image object to ImageProvider

I had to read my image source from base64 to flutter Image object.

Image img = Image.memory(base64Decode(BASE64_STRING)); 

and then i wanted to put the image as a Container background. But DecorationImage is only accepting ImageProvider.

How to convert Image to ImageProvider? or is ther any other way to deliver base64 image to ImageProvider?

Container(   decoration: BoxDecoration(     color: Colors.green,     image: DecorationImage(       image: img // <-- Expecting ImageProvider     ) ) 
like image 615
vonqo Avatar asked Nov 15 '19 04:11


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1 Answers

Call .image on your ImageProvider.

In your case:

Container(   decoration: BoxDecoration(     color: Colors.green,     image: DecorationImage(       image: img.image // <--- .image added here     ) ) 
like image 126
Michael Peterson Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 08:10

Michael Peterson