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Flutter - How do I compute a heavy task that includes a future without blocking the UI?

I'm creating an app that fetches posts from the internet as json. I parse the json into Post objects in flutter using a factory. A Post object includes a title, body and image. I display these posts in a listview with a listview builder. The heavy task is that I calculate 2 dominant colors from the image to set as the background gradient of a post item. For this I use: https://pub.dartlang.org/packages/palette_generator

I calculate the 2 dominant colors in the json parser factory because then I have a complete Post object with al the needed information. Also this way I don't have to calculate the colors when rendering an Post object. I do this with the following code:

Future<List> _getColors() async {
  Color gradientOne, gradientTwo;
  String imageUrl = json['image'];

  paletteGenerator = await PaletteGenerator.fromImageProvider(

  gradientOne = paletteGenerator.colors.toList()[0];
  gradientTwo = paletteGenerator.colors.toList()[1];

  return [gradientOne, gradientTwo];

I add this to the Post object and in the render I wait on this future:

    .then((result) => {
          gradient = result,
          this.setState(() {
                  loading = false;

In the main UI I show a loading indicator until all the futures are resolved. For this I use the following code:

List<Future> futures = [];

  for (var post in tmpList) {
  await Future.wait(futures)
      .then((result) => {list.addAll(tmpList)});

This works ok except for the laggy UI when fetching new posts. After a bit of reading I found that I can use Isolates in Flutter. So I changed my parsing function as described here: https://flutter.io/docs/cookbook/networking/background-parsing

This works flawlessly and my app is running without any lag, the drawback is that my colors aren't calculated. For some reason when I use compute() my Future never comes to a result.

Is it possible to use compute in this situation or is there a better way to calculate the colors without causing lag in my UI?


I tried programming an Isolate without compute, but the color futures still don't load. This is the code I used:

ReceivePort receivePort = ReceivePort();
Isolate isolate = await Isolate.spawn(getMorePosts, receivePort.sendPort);
receivePort.listen((data) {

I do receive all the data but again my futures don't finish.

like image 719
Gromdroid Avatar asked Feb 17 '19 17:02


1 Answers

Unfortunately compute() only supports sync results.

compute() is simple and is just a wrapper to make it easier to start up isolates.

You can just start an additional isolate using custom code and gain more power.


The isolate package provides some convenience features to make it easier to work with isolates.

like image 176
Günter Zöchbauer Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 22:09

Günter Zöchbauer