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Flutter Firestore: An error occurred while parsing query arguments on using whereNotIn and arrayContains at the same query

My query is:

snapshot = await FirebaseFirestore.instance
          .where('active', isEqualTo: true)
          .where('users', arrayContains: globals.user.userId)
          .where('readers', whereNotIn: [globals.user.userId])

I'm getting the above exception:

Unhandled Exception: [cloud_firestore/unknown] An error occurred while parsing query arguments, see native logs for more information.

I have found some notes on the official Firestore documentation:

  • You can use at most one in, not-in, or array-contains-any clause per query. You can't combine these operators in the same query.
  • You can't combine not-in with not equals !=.

All should be just fine in my case.

Also I have tried several things:

  • If I remove only the whereNotIn line, everything is just fine.
  • if I remove only the arrayContains line, everything is just fine.

Why am I getting a query parsing exception? Thanks

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genericUser Avatar asked Oct 27 '22 13:10


1 Answers


Firestore query documentation was not up to date (relevant for 04.04.21).

More details

I have checked my android Logchats on android studio and found out that:

Invalid Query. You cannot use 'not_in' filters with 'array_contains' filters.

While firebase documentation says that:

You can use at most one in, not-in, or array-contains-any clause per query. You can't combine these operators in the same query.

It was not mentioned on the Firebase documentation that array-contains cannot be at the same query along with not-in.


If you are encountered with query parsing exception. The most updated and fastest way to get relevant information about the problem is to check your Logchats.

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genericUser Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 07:11
