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Flutter Dart - How to send a Post Request using HttpClient()





I am trying to send a Post request to my server using HttpClient but I am not sure where to actually set the payload and headers that need to be sent.

    var client = new HttpClient();
    client.post(host, port, path);

client.post(host, port, path) has only 3 arguments so how do I set the payload to be sent?

Thanks in advance

like image 916
Uncle Vector Avatar asked Oct 05 '19 11:10

Uncle Vector

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1 Answers

post() opens a HTTP connection using the POST method and returns Future<HttpClientRequest>.

So you need to do this:

final client = HttpClient();
final request = await client.post(host, port, path);
request.headers.set(HttpHeaders.contentTypeHeader, "plain/text"); // or headers.add()

final response = await request.close();

Example with jsonplaceholder:

final client = HttpClient();
final request = await client.postUrl(Uri.parse("https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts"));
request.headers.set(HttpHeaders.contentTypeHeader, "application/json; charset=UTF-8");
request.write('{"title": "Foo","body": "Bar", "userId": 99}');

final response = await request.close();

response.transform(utf8.decoder).listen((contents) {


  "title": "Foo",
  "body": "Bar",
  "userId": 99,
  "id": 101

Or you can use http library.

like image 74
janstol Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 01:10
