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Flutter app shows a black screen before loading the app



I have noticed this problem with flutter apps, when I open a flutter app from cold boot, I see a black screen popping before the actual app is loaded. I have seen the problem with the Newsvoice production app and as well as with a test app I installed.

Check the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zszud6UWzps

Is it a bug in the Flutter SDK?

like image 983
Abhijeet Avatar asked Aug 22 '17 21:08


1 Answers

This issue was fixed recently. If you are using a version of Flutter that has this engine fix, you won't see the black frame. (The fix should be on the Flutter master branch by now, but not the alpha branch.)

like image 140
Collin Jackson Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 14:10

Collin Jackson