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Fluid width with equally spaced DIVs

I have a fluid width container DIV.

Within this I have 4 DIVs all 300px x 250px...

<div id="container">    <div class="box1"> </div>    <div class="box2"> </div>    <div class="box3"> </div>    <div class="box4"> </div> </div> 

What I want to happen is box 1 to be floated left, box 4 to be floated right and box 2 and 3 to be spaced evenly between them. I want the spacing to be fluid as well so as the browser is made smaller the space becomes smaller also.

enter image description here

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Lee Price Avatar asked Jul 28 '11 20:07

Lee Price

People also ask

How do I make a div fill full width?

The width property is used to fill a div remaining horizontal space using CSS. By setting the width to 100% it takes the whole width available of its parent. Example 1: This example use width property to fill the horizontal space. It set width to 100% to fill it completely.

How do I make a div auto adjust width?

Set display to inline-block to make the div width fit to its content. Use position: relative and left: 50% to position its left edge to 50% of its containing element. Use transform: translateX(-50%) which will "shift" the element to the left by half its own width.

How do I give a div equal space?

HTML. Approach: First we set the display of the container as grid. Then use the gap property of CSS to create equal spaced “div” elements.

1 Answers

See: http://jsfiddle.net/thirtydot/EDp8R/

  • This works in IE6+ and all modern browsers!
  • I've halved your requested dimensions just to make it easier to work with.
  • text-align: justify combined with .stretch is what's handling the positioning.
  • display:inline-block; *display:inline; zoom:1 fixes inline-block for IE6/7, see here.
  • font-size: 0; line-height: 0 fixes a minor issue in IE6.

#container {    border: 2px dashed #444;    height: 125px;    text-align: justify;    -ms-text-justify: distribute-all-lines;    text-justify: distribute-all-lines;    /* just for demo */    min-width: 612px;  }    .box1,  .box2,  .box3,  .box4 {    width: 150px;    height: 125px;    vertical-align: top;    display: inline-block;    *display: inline;    zoom: 1  }    .stretch {    width: 100%;    display: inline-block;    font-size: 0;    line-height: 0  }    .box1,  .box3 {    background: #ccc  }    .box2,  .box4 {    background: #0ff  }
<div id="container">    <div class="box1"></div>    <div class="box2"></div>    <div class="box3"></div>    <div class="box4"></div>    <span class="stretch"></span>  </div>

The extra span (.stretch) can be replaced with :after.

This still works in all the same browsers as the above solution. :after doesn't work in IE6/7, but they're using distribute-all-lines anyway, so it doesn't matter.

See: http://jsfiddle.net/thirtydot/EDp8R/3/

There's a minor downside to :after: to make the last row work perfectly in Safari, you have to be careful with the whitespace in the HTML.

Specifically, this doesn't work:

<div id="container">     ..     <div class="box3"></div>     <div class="box4"></div> </div> 

And this does:

<div id="container">     ..     <div class="box3"></div>     <div class="box4"></div></div> 

You can use this for any arbitrary number of child divs without adding a boxN class to each one by changing

.box1, .box2, .box3, .box4 { ... 


#container > div { ... 

This selects any div that is the first child of the #container div, and no others below it. To generalize the background colors, you can use the CSS3 nth-order selector, although it's only supported in IE9+ and other modern browsers:

.box1, .box3 { ... 


#container > div:nth-child(odd) { ... 

See here for a jsfiddle example.

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thirtydot Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 02:09
