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Fluent NHibernate to query stored procedure without an hbm.xml mapping


Is there any way to query stored procedure in Fluent Nhibernate without creating an hbm.xml file mapping?

like image 255
rahul Avatar asked May 07 '13 09:05


1 Answers

I assume you use the standard


instead, you can use

var result = Session.CreateSQLQuery("exec MyStoredProc :pUserId, :pIsLocked")
                    .SetParameter("pUserId", userId)
                    .SetParameter("pIsLocked", isLocked)

This allows you to call the stored proc but still get back a domain object (or list of) without needing a .hbm.xml file.

Actually there's this post

like image 104
icepicker Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 21:10
