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Fluent NHibernate PersistenceSpecification CheckList

I am currently working on a college project in which we are using Fluent NHibernate. I am working on figuring how to create testing for our entities and Fluent mappings.

I have, however, hit a dead end while trying to figure how to use the CheckList of PersistenceSpecification.

The unit test fails with the following error:

MvcShop.Core.Tests.EntitiesTests.ItemTest.CanMapItem threw exception:  NHibernate.PropertyValueException: not-null property references a null or transient valueMvcShop.Core.Entities.ItemPicture.Item.

The test is defined as:

private IList<ItemPicture> _itemPictures = new List<ItemPicture>()
new ItemPicture { Filename = "test.jpg", Title = "Test title", PrimaryPicture = true},
        new ItemPicture { Filename = "test2.jpg", Title = "Test title 2" }

    public void CanMapItem()
        new PersistenceSpecification<Item>(Session)
            .CheckProperty(i => i.Title, "Test item")
            .CheckProperty(i => i.Description, "Test description")
            .CheckProperty(i => i.SalesPrice, (decimal)0.0)
            .CheckList(i => i.ItemPictures, _itemPictures) // Complains that Item on ItemPicture is null.

My mappings are defined as:

public ItemMap()
        Id(i => i.ItemID).GeneratedBy.Identity().Column("Item_id");
        Map(i => i.ItemNo).Nullable().Length(30);
        Map(i => i.Title).Not.Nullable().Length(250);
        Map(i => i.Description).Nullable();
        Map(i => i.SalesPrice).Not.Nullable().Precision(18);
        Map(i => i.AverageRating).Precision(18).Nullable();
        Map(i => i.Visible).Not.Nullable();
        Map(i => i.Weight).Not.Nullable().Precision(18);
        Map(i => i.TimesPurchased);
        Map(i => i.InStock).Not.Nullable();
        Map(i => i.DateAdded).Not.Nullable();
        HasManyToMany(i => i.ItemCategories).Cascade.All().Inverse().Table("ItemCategoryItem");
        HasMany(i => i.ItemPictures).Cascade.AllDeleteOrphan().Inverse().LazyLoad();
        HasMany(i => i.Comments).Cascade.AllDeleteOrphan().Inverse().LazyLoad();
        HasMany(i => i.Ratings).Inverse().LazyLoad();

public ItemPictureMap()
        Id(i => i.ItemPictureID).GeneratedBy.Identity().Column("ItemPicture_id");
        Map(i => i.Title).Nullable();
        Map(i => i.Filename).Not.Nullable();
        Map(i => i.PrimaryPicture).Not.Nullable();
        References(i => i.Item).Not.Nullable().Column("Item_id");

I really can't figure how I can populate the Item property of ItemPicture when using the PersistenceSpecification class.

Any ideas?

Best Regards, Kenneth, Denmark

like image 944
Kenneth Fuglsang Avatar asked Mar 01 '23 00:03

Kenneth Fuglsang

1 Answers

I think the ItemPicture has to exist in the DB before you run the test against it (as per the Fluent documentation: https://github.com/FluentNHibernate/fluent-nhibernate/wiki/persistence-specification-testing - see the last line on that page.)


public void CanMapItem()
    var p1 = new ItemPicture { Filename = "test.jpg", Title = "Test title", PrimaryPicture = true};
    var p2 =  new ItemPicture { Filename = "test2.jpg", Title = "Test title 2" };
    using (var tx = Session.BeginTransaction())
    new PersistenceSpecification<Item>(Session)
        .CheckProperty(i => i.Title, "Test item")
        .CheckProperty(i => i.Description, "Test description")
        .CheckProperty(i => i.SalesPrice, (decimal)0.0)
        .CheckList(i => i.ItemPictures, new List<ItemPicture> {p1, p2});
like image 151
zcrar70 Avatar answered Mar 07 '23 18:03
