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Flot chart title option?

Does Flot have an option that can be set to give the chart a title? I'm not seeing one for the overall chart, just for the axes.

But I might have missed something.

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Colleen Avatar asked Aug 24 '11 17:08


5 Answers

I do not think this option exists. It is pretty easy, though, to title the plot using regular HTML. Just wrap a div around your "placeholder" div and add the title text to that.

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Mark Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 19:11


after drawing flot chart (plot function) fill canvas with text (jsFiddle). Advantage of my solution is that you can save chart as image containing title on it.


var c=document.getElementsByTagName("canvas")[0];
var canvas=c.getContext("2d");
var cx = c.width / 2;
var text="Flot chart title";
canvas.font="bold 20px sans-serif";
canvas.textAlign = 'center';
like image 23
pioja Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 18:11


  1. You can use hooks for that. For instance use the overlay hook, and implement your overlay functionality in a separate OverlayHandler

    Here is an example, where the chartElement, chartDataand chartOptions are your HTML element and flot data and flot options, respectively.:

    var plotOverlayHandler = function(plot, cvs) {
      if(!plot) { return; }
      var cvsWidth = plot.width() / 2;
      var text = 'Flot chart-title!';
      cvs.font = "bold 16px Open Sans";
      cvs.fillStyle = "#666666";
      cvs.textAlign = 'center';
      cvs.fillText(text, cvsWidth, 30);
      return cvs;
    var plot = $.plot(chartElement, chartData, chartOptions);
    plot.hooks.drawOverlay.push( plotOverlayHandler );
  2. When exporting the canvas via the native toDataURL method, simply apply the OverlayHandler first. This allows for greater flexibility.

    var elCanvas = $('canvas.flot-base').first();
    var canvas = plotCanvasOverlay(elCanvas, elCanvas.get(0).getContext('2d'))
    var dataUrl = canvas.toDataURL('image/png');
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Lorenz Lo Sauer Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 18:11

Lorenz Lo Sauer

Pioja's answer is indeed a great one. His jsFiddle shows the full details. It is important to have the following included in your options:

canvas: true,
grid: {
    margin: { top:50 }

This will then insert a nice chart title which can be included in the image if you export it.

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Slaphead Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 18:11


Building on pioja's answer, the title can be set directly after the plot has been made with:

var plot = $.plot($("#"+PlotPlaceholder), data, options);

By using the getCanvas function:

var c = plot.getCanvas();

Now, just follow pioja's code to get:

var canvas=c.getContext("2d");
var cx = c.width / 2;
var text="Flot chart title";
canvas.font="bold 20px sans-serif";
canvas.textAlign = 'center';
like image 1
SupAl Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 20:11
