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floating action button on react native

I want to use a floating action button in react native android in bottom right corner of the screen. But I am not able to do so.

The CreateButton component contains floating button code. I called the CreateButton component after the list View and I want to show this button on the ListView android component with transparent overlay and fixed position in bottom right.

enter image description here

<DrawerLayoutAndroid      drawerWidth={300}      drawerPosition={DrawerLayoutAndroid.positions.Left}      renderNavigationView={() => navigationView}>      <View style={styles.navBar}>        <TouchableOpacity style={styles.menuIconButton}>          <Image style={styles.menuIcon} source={{uri : 'https://cdn1.iconfinder.com/data/icons/basic-ui-elements-plain/422/                 06_menu_stack-128.png'}}/>        </TouchableOpacity>        <Text style={styles.appName}>LifeMaker</Text>        <TouchableOpacity style={styles.smokeIconButton}>          <Image style={styles.smokeIcon} source={{uri : 'http://avtech.com/images/home/icons/Icon_Smoke_&_Fire.png'}}/>        </TouchableOpacity>      </View>       <ToolbarAndroid                                                      title="AwesomeApp"                                               onActionSelected={this.onActionSelected}/>     <ListView       dataSource={this.state.dataSource}                              renderRow={this._renderSmokeSignals}/>           <CreateButton/> //this is floating button component call </DrawerLayoutAndroid>      //this is floating button component (<CreateButton>)     <View style={styles.createButton}>       <AccentColoredFab>                                                <Icon                                         name='ion|plus'           size={25}                 color='#000000'                                                 style={styles.icon}         />                                                            </AccentColoredFab>                        </View> 
like image 446
Pankaj Thakur Avatar asked Oct 14 '15 20:10

Pankaj Thakur

People also ask

What is a floating action button?

A floating action button (FAB) is a circular button that triggers the primary action in your app's UI. This page shows you how to add the FAB to your layout, customize some of its appearance, and respond to button taps.

How do you implement a floating action button?

Add the floating action button to your layoutThe size of the FAB, using the app:fabSize attribute or the setSize() method. The ripple color of the FAB, using the app:rippleColor attribute or the setRippleColor() method. The FAB icon, using the android:src attribute or the setImageDrawable() method.

2 Answers

Adjust your button with bottom, Left, Right, Top and provide absolute position to button.

This is my code that used to made floating button

width: 60,   height: 60,    borderRadius: 30,             backgroundColor: '#ee6e73',                                     position: 'absolute',                                           bottom: 10,                                                     right: 10,  
like image 147
Pankaj Thakur Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 14:09

Pankaj Thakur

  <TouchableOpacity     style={{       borderWidth: 1,       borderColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.2)',       alignItems: 'center',       justifyContent: 'center',       width: 70,       position: 'absolute',       bottom: 10,       right: 10,       height: 70,       backgroundColor: '#fff',       borderRadius: 100,     }}   >     <Icon name='plus' size={30} color='#01a699' />   </TouchableOpacity> 

Install Icon Packs: https://github.com/oblador/react-native-vector-icons

npm install react-native-vector-icons --save

react-native link

like image 28
Hitesh Sahu Avatar answered Sep 16 '22 14:09

Hitesh Sahu