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Flawless way of preventing element from being affected by external css

I'm doing a script that will be implemented in multiple pages and I'm trying to prevent the elements it generates from being styled by the pages css. Some people have the great idea of writing css like this:


So I found this new css property:

.elem{ all: initial }

And it seems to work quite well but I've already experienced some problems and I bet there may be many that I don't know about. For example, for internet explorer (even ie11!!!) to reset min-height, you can't use initial, you must use 0! Therefore, all:initial, doesn't override min-height...

Do you know of a better way to do this or at least a list of properties I should take care of individually??

EDIT: To better explain what I want. I will do this in JS (I mentioned before it is a script), and I'm not only interested in solutions. I'd like to know why that solution works and why is better than the one I offer. Also, I'm aware of performance, so I'd rather like to use the minimun amount of rules, if posible: I'd like to know for example, which are the most dangerous ones.

like image 284
Vandervals Avatar asked Jun 30 '15 11:06


People also ask

What is the important rule in CSS and why should you generally avoid it?

important rule is to include another ! important rule on a declaration with the same (or higher) specificity in the source code - and here the problem starts! This makes the CSS code confusing and the debugging will be hard, especially if you have a large style sheet!

What is CSS specificity and how does it work?

Specificity is an algorithm that calculates the weight that is applied to a given CSS declaration. The weight is determined by the number of selectors of each weight category in the selector matching the element (or pseudo-element).

How do you stop inheritance in HTML?

If you really want to avoid inheritance, then all: revert has you covered. All divs will be display: block and spans will be inline . All em tags will be italic and strong tags will be bold.

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You can force the content of the HTML <div> element stay on the same line by using a little CSS. Use the overflow property, as well as the white-space property set to “nowrap”.

1 Answers

Right now we don't have unified CSS effects on all major browsers! But we can still create a class which will reset most of all CSS properties to their initial values! Look at the below code:

.reset-this {
    animation : none;
    animation-delay : 0;
    animation-direction : normal;
    animation-duration : 0;
    animation-fill-mode : none;
    animation-iteration-count : 1;
    animation-name : none;
    animation-play-state : running;
    animation-timing-function : ease;
    backface-visibility : visible;
    background : 0;
    background-attachment : scroll;
    background-clip : border-box;
    background-color : transparent;
    background-image : none;
    background-origin : padding-box;
    background-position : 0 0;
    background-position-x : 0;
    background-position-y : 0;
    background-repeat : repeat;
    background-size : auto auto;
    border : 0;
    border-style : none;
    border-width : medium;
    border-color : inherit;
    border-bottom : 0;
    border-bottom-color : inherit;
    border-bottom-left-radius : 0;
    border-bottom-right-radius : 0;
    border-bottom-style : none;
    border-bottom-width : medium;
    border-collapse : separate;
    border-image : none;
    border-left : 0;
    border-left-color : inherit;
    border-left-style : none;
    border-left-width : medium;
    border-radius : 0;
    border-right : 0;
    border-right-color : inherit;
    border-right-style : none;
    border-right-width : medium;
    border-spacing : 0;
    border-top : 0;
    border-top-color : inherit;
    border-top-left-radius : 0;
    border-top-right-radius : 0;
    border-top-style : none;
    border-top-width : medium;
    bottom : auto;
    box-shadow : none;
    box-sizing : content-box;
    caption-side : top;
    clear : none;
    clip : auto;
    color : inherit;
    columns : auto;
    column-count : auto;
    column-fill : balance;
    column-gap : normal;
    column-rule : medium none currentColor;
    column-rule-color : currentColor;
    column-rule-style : none;
    column-rule-width : none;
    column-span : 1;
    column-width : auto;
    content : normal;
    counter-increment : none;
    counter-reset : none;
    cursor : auto;
    direction : ltr;
    display : inline;
    empty-cells : show;
    float : none;
    font : normal;
    font-family : inherit;
    font-size : medium;
    font-style : normal;
    font-variant : normal;
    font-weight : normal;
    height : auto;
    hyphens : none;
    left : auto;
    letter-spacing : normal;
    line-height : normal;
    list-style : none;
    list-style-image : none;
    list-style-position : outside;
    list-style-type : disc;
    margin : 0;
    margin-bottom : 0;
    margin-left : 0;
    margin-right : 0;
    margin-top : 0;
    max-height : none;
    max-width : none;
    min-height : 0;
    min-width : 0;
    opacity : 1;
    orphans : 0;
    outline : 0;
    outline-color : invert;
    outline-style : none;
    outline-width : medium;
    overflow : visible;
    overflow-x : visible;
    overflow-y : visible;
    padding : 0;
    padding-bottom : 0;
    padding-left : 0;
    padding-right : 0;
    padding-top : 0;
    page-break-after : auto;
    page-break-before : auto;
    page-break-inside : auto;
    perspective : none;
    perspective-origin : 50% 50%;
    position : static;
    /* May need to alter quotes for different locales (e.g fr) */
    quotes : '\201C' '\201D' '\2018' '\2019';
    right : auto;
    tab-size : 8;
    table-layout : auto;
    text-align : inherit;
    text-align-last : auto;
    text-decoration : none;
    text-decoration-color : inherit;
    text-decoration-line : none;
    text-decoration-style : solid;
    text-indent : 0;
    text-shadow : none;
    text-transform : none;
    top : auto;
    transform : none;
    transform-style : flat;
    transition : none;
    transition-delay : 0s;
    transition-duration : 0s;
    transition-property : none;
    transition-timing-function : ease;
    unicode-bidi : normal;
    vertical-align : baseline;
    visibility : visible;
    white-space : normal;
    widows : 0;
    width : auto;
    word-spacing : normal;
    z-index : auto;

Check out these links for more details:

Source of Properties | MDN Initial Value

like image 193
Pratik Shah Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 02:11

Pratik Shah