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Flask SQLAlchemy querying a column with "not equals"

I can query my Seat table for all seats where there is no invite assigned:

seats = Seat.query.filter_by(invite=None).all() 

However, when querying for all seats that have an invite assigned, I get a NameError:

seats = Seat.query.filter_by(invite!=None).all() 
NameError: name 'invite' is not defined 

Here is my Seat class:

class Seat(db.Model):     id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)      invite_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('invite.id'))     invite = db.relationship('Invite',         backref=db.backref('folks', lazy='dynamic')) 

How can I query for all seats where the owner is not blank?

like image 749
SeanPlusPlus Avatar asked Apr 18 '13 21:04


2 Answers

The filter_by() method takes a sequence of keyword arguments, so you always have to use = with it.

You want to use the filter() method which allows for !=:

seats = Seat.query.filter(Seat.invite != None).all() 
like image 98
Nathan Villaescusa Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 17:09

Nathan Villaescusa

I think this can help http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/rel_0_9/core/sqlelement.html#sqlalchemy.sql.operators.ColumnOperators.isnot

Is None

query.filter(User.name == None) 

or alternatively, if pep8/linters are a concern


Is not None

query.filter(User.name != None) 

or alternatively, if pep8/linters are a concern


like image 24
bull90 Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 17:09
