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Fixing error "function array_length(bigint[]) does not exist"

I have a recursive query, encapsulated within a function, that returns a hierarchical survey "structure":

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_survey_results(IN v_survey_id integer DEFAULT 1, IN v_survey_session_id integer DEFAULT NULL)
  RETURNS TABLE(sort_order bigint[], survey_question_id integer, question_text text, required_ind smallint, survey_session_id integer, custom_text text, option_value integer, survey_scale_id integer, survey_scale_type_id integer, parent_survey_question_id integer, parent_survey_scale_option_id integer) AS
        WITH RECURSIVE Survey_Structure (PATH, survey_question_id, question_text,
            required_ind, survey_session_id, custom_text,
            option_value, survey_scale_id, survey_scale_type_id,
            parent_survey_question_id, parent_survey_scale_option_id, CYCLE)
        AS (
            SELECT ARRAY[row_number() OVER (ORDER BY Survey_Question.sort_order)], Survey_Question.survey_question_id, Survey_Question.question_text, 
                Survey_Question.required_ind, Survey_Response.survey_session_id, Survey_Response.custom_text,
                Survey_Scale_Option.option_value, Survey_Question.survey_scale_id, Survey_Scale.survey_scale_type_id,
                0 as parent_survey_question_id, 0 AS parent_survey_scale_option_id, FALSE
            FROM ...etc...

I can pass a survey_id to this function (SELECT * FROM get_survey_results(1)) and it returns all the questions and answers for that survey.

I wanted to determine the "level" of a node within the hierarchy by using:

SELECT question_text, array_length(sort_order) AS level,
FROM get_survey_results(1)

My query returns the error

function array_length(bigint[]) does not exist

The PostgreSQL array documentation promises that arrar_length() will handle "anyarray".

What am I doing wrong? Is there an optional package I need to install?

like image 969
Jeromy French Avatar asked Jan 16 '14 21:01

Jeromy French

1 Answers

Closer examination of the documentation shows that array_length() takes two parameters.

I just had to change

SELECT question_text, array_length(sort_order) AS level, ...


SELECT question_text, array_length(sort_order, 1) AS level, ...

like image 88
Jeromy French Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 22:10

Jeromy French