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Fixed-width sidebar with responsive content column in Foundation 5?

I've been using Foundation since v3 and so I hadn't expected this kind of snafu.

In this particular case I need a fixed-width left column (large-3) then a fluid/responsive content column (large-9) for the remainder.

<div class="row">

    <div class="large-3 columns" id="sidebar" style="width: 300px">

    <div class="large-9 columns" id="content">


Problem is, when scaling down, the content column is wrapping/being forced down below the sidebar (even before the next screen-width threshold is crossed). I tried "fixed" and "sticky" classes in the #sidebar but they don't seem to affect this behavior.

I didn't want to start hacking the CSS if there was an existing (Foundation?) solution.

like image 292
cbmtrx Avatar asked Dec 09 '22 09:12


2 Answers

Much like @naota's approach, the response I got from Zurb was to hack the css. Set an absolutely-positioned, fixed-width sidebar, then create a new div with left-padding: 300px;

Something like:

<div class="row">

    <div id="sidebar" style="position: absolute; width: 300px;">

    <div class="large-12 columns" id="content" style="padding-left: 300px">


It works surprisingly well...for a hack.

like image 118
cbmtrx Avatar answered Jan 11 '23 04:01


Here's what I use with SASS to create fixed column widths.


@mixin fixed($width, $direction) {
  position: absolute;
  width: rem-calc($width) + $column-gutter;
  top: 0;
  @if $direction == left {
    left: 0;
  } @else {
    right: 0;
@mixin fluid($width, $direction) {
  @if $direction == left {
    padding-right: rem-calc($width) + ($column-gutter * 1.5);
  } @else {
    padding-left: rem-calc($width) + ($column-gutter * 1.5);

Using the code

To insert a fixed, 300px, right column, add @include fixed(300, right); to the right column class, and @include fluid(300, left); to the left column class. Do not mix with the default small-# column classes.

Extending the code

If you'd like to setup permanent classes, similarly to small-3 column, large-6 column, etc, just add the following code. You will now be able to use large-fluid-300-left for the left fluid column and large-fixed-300-right for the right fixed column.

// Fixed 300px
.row { position: relative; }
@media #{$small-up} {
  .small-fixed-300-left.column { @include fixed(300, left); }
  .small-fixed-300-right.column { @include fixed(300, right); }
  .small-fluid-300-left.column { @include fluid(300, left); }
  .small-fluid-300-right.column { @include fluid(300, right); }
@media #{$medium-up} {
  .medium-fixed-300-left.column { @include fixed(300, left); }
  .medium-fixed-300-right.column { @include fixed(300, right); }
  .medium-fluid-300-left.column { @include fluid(300, left); }
  .medium-fluid-300-right.column { @include fluid(300, right); }
@media #{$large-up} {
  .large-fixed-300-left.column { @include fixed(300, left); }
  .large-fixed-300-right.column { @include fixed(300, right); }
  .large-fluid-300-left.column { @include fluid(300, left); }
  .large-fluid-300-right.column { @include fluid(300, right); }

Bonus - Set Minimum Widths

If you're working with Ads, you'll likely come across a point, where you'll need the column to collapse into its own row, once it reaches a certain minimum width. Here's what I use to set minimum column widths.


@mixin min($width) {
  width: $width + px;
  float: left;
  box-sizing: content-box;
  + .column {
    float: left;

Using the code

Add @include min(300); to a column class. Must be used in addition to the column class.

Extending the code

The following code allows you to add classes, such as .small-min-300.column to columns which you wish to collapse, if they are every squeezed below 300px.

// Min 300px
@media #{$small-up} {
  .small-min-300.column { @include min(300); }
@media #{$medium-up} {
  .medium-min-300.column { @include min(300); }
@media #{$large-up} {
  .large-min-300.column { @include min(300); }

I've pulled this directly from my SASS file and haven't tested the code at the time of writing. Let me know if something doesn't work as expected.

like image 42
timofey Avatar answered Jan 11 '23 03:01
