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Fixed Printed Header with CSS3 Running

I'm trying to implement a fixed print header using position: running as described here

Unfortunately in both Chrome and FF the header only displays on page 1. Is this supported in modern browsers, and if so, how can I get it to show up on every page?

I've tried it both with, and without the big 90px margin.

    <style type="text/css">
            div.header { display: none }
            @media print {
                div.header {
                    display: block;
                    position: running(header);
                @page { @top-center { content: element(header) }}
                @page { margin-top: 90px; }


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[.....tons more text.....]


like image 850
Adam Rackis Avatar asked Nov 02 '22 02:11

Adam Rackis

1 Answers

It seems that although your syntax is correct, browsers do not support position: running or running-head yet. It is still a W3C Editor's draft, updated March 11 2014 at the moment of writing this, so it looks like we may have the ability later on but it's been years since they've been proposed. This is likely because W3C believe this should be handled by the browser's print function. You can see if your browser currently supports this feature in this jsFiddle (WARNING: opens print page)

I'd recommend using custom @media print setting to reach modern browsers to do what you're trying to do. This does require that you have an element for each page of print though, repeating the (hidden on webview) title each time

.header { display:none; }
.container:first-of-type .header { display:block; } // Only show first
@media print { // Show the rest when printed
    .header { position:fixed; margin-top:-50px; display:block; }
    .spacer { padding-top:50px; }

Demo (WARNING: opens up the print page)

You could also do a similar approach using a pseudo-element applied to the container, thus removing the need for the h2 within each time. This still requires that you have a container that contains a full page each time though. Demo (WARNING: opens up the print page)

With that being said, you can use Flying Saucer (which the question you linked is using) to do this, but it only has CSS 2.1 support. Other alternatives including using a PDF maker to add a title to each page

like image 159
Zach Saucier Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 07:11

Zach Saucier