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fixed position broken on contentEditable ios webkit safari

I want to create a wysiwyg-editor for ipad and have a toolbar with position:fixed - so that it's always available.

However, when I focus on div with contentEditable="true" the toolbar is not fixed any more.

Is this a bug?

Is there a workaround?

like image 690
Andreas Frank Avatar asked Feb 13 '13 22:02

Andreas Frank

1 Answers

just found this while looking for the same thing - for the same reason...

we have a half-way solution to the toolbar, but it sort of wanders off-page and then resets to the correct position when the scroll finally stops. The solution isnt pushed to github yet, but it will be in the next couple of days. Best approach we have so far is a chunk of JS that forces the div back in place if we recognise we are working on iOS :-(

But you might want to check the editor we built in any case :-) http://www.quink.mobi or https://github.com/IMD-Business-School/Quink.

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Iain Cooke Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 11:10

Iain Cooke