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Fixed Div overlaps scrollbar of static div

I'm having trouble to to style my layout like I want it to. I have a content area #content (the grey you can see in the example image) with a yellow element inside. This div is position:static;height:100%;. Now I have a #left-panel div also, with position:fixed;height:100%;. The problem is, if the content area has not enough space a horizontally scrollbar appears. This will be overlaped of the fixed div. For me it is all logically, but I don't know how to get around this. My scrollbar of the #content-element should be visible the whole width of the window. So it would not be a solution for me to just reduce the width of the content if the panel is in view.

The whole css:


Can somebody help me fixing this with pure CSS?

enter image description here

Fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/a2wn8x5z/1/

like image 545
user3631654 Avatar asked Sep 03 '14 08:09


1 Answers

Your wrapper element is position:fixed; I think that you are talking about a overlay with a navigation panel on the left. Well, I had a similar situation and found out, that you can't use position:fixed; if your parent element is also position:fixed;. This will overlap the scrollbar of the parent wrapper (the overlay).

So you have to use position:absolute; instead or use this open source plugin to remove the width/height of the scrollbar from your element:

Scrollbar Fixer

like image 85
dude Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 08:09
