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Fix object to top of browser window when scrolling


I saw recently a new interesting feature in the new gmail and also in the HTML5 bing preview that fixes a navigation bar to the top of the browser window when scrolling. The bar may start 100px down the page but when you scroll and it reaches the top of the browser window, it fixes there until you scroll back up above where it was originally positioned.

My question is; how can I do this effect or do something similar to this effect?

I hope you can understand my question and what I'm trying to describe.

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Callum Whyte Avatar asked Aug 08 '11 10:08

Callum Whyte

People also ask

How do you fix a div on top when scrolling?

Just replace #sticky_div's_name_here with the name of your div, i.e. if your div was <div id="example"> you would put #example { position: sticky; top: 0; } .

How do you make a div stick to the top of the screen?

The vertical position of the element to be stuck can also be modified with the help of the 'top' property. It can be given a value of '0px' to make the element leave no space from the top of the viewport, or increased further to leave space from the top of the viewport.

How do I know if my browser window is scrolled to the top?

You can check if window. scrollY (the number of pixels the window has scrolled vertically) is equal to 0 . If you want to check if the window has been scrolled to its leftermost, you can check if window. scrollX (the number of pixels the window has scrolled horizontally) is equal to 0 .

How do I scroll to the top of the page in HTML?

window. scrollTo(0, 0); …is a sure bet to scroll the window (or any other element) back to the top.

2 Answers

If you want the element to start further down on the page, then stay fixed on the top as you scroll down, this may be a good start:


like image 135
g_thom Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 03:11


I know this post it's a bit old, but still very usefull.. i just wanted to add a jquery version (a little bit cleaner and configurable), but it's a modified version of the Andrew D. answer.

In this case i don't have two classes, instead i have an relative positioned div and when i reach a certain point (max_scroll) i add a class to the object, and that class is what makes it float

Below is the javascript (all done inside de document ready function)

<script type="text/javascript"> var max_scroll = 400; // this is the scroll position to start positioning the nav in a fixed way $(document).ready(function(){          $(window).scroll(function () {         var navbar = $(".filterbutton");          var scrollTop = document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop;         if(scrollTop > max_scroll && !navbar.is(".filterbuttonFixed")) {                 navbar.addClass("filterbuttonFixed");                 // console.log("go floated");         }         else if(scrollTop < max_scroll && navbar.is(".filterbuttonFixed") ) {                 // console.log("return to normal");                 navbar.removeClass("filterbuttonFixed");         }  } });  </script> 

and this is my nav-bar container div

<div id="floatable-nav-bar" class="my-relative-position-class">     <nav class="page-menu">         <ul class="scroll-nav">             <li><a class="selected" href="#first">Section 1</a></li>             <li><a class="" href="#second">Section 2</a></li>             <li><a class="" href="#third">Section 3</a></li>             <li><a class="" href="#fourth">Section 4</a></li>         </ul>     </nav> </div> 

and last but not least, my nav-floated style

#floatable-nav-bar.nav_floated {     position:fixed;     top:1px;     left: 0;     width:100%;     text-align: center;     background: #EEE;     padding: 5px 0; } 

I know this isn't the simplest example, but for jQuery users maybe this is a simpler approach, and i think it's better to just add and remove one class (at least it was for me).

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polloss Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 04:11
