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Fix columns in horizontal scrolling




I am currently trying to fix my first column in a table when the user scrolls in the X-axis. I am using this structure:

<div class="table-wrapper">     <table id="consumption-data" class="data">         <thead class="header">             <tr>                 <th>Month</th>                 <th>Item 1</th>             </tr>         </thead>         <tbody class="results">             <tr>                 <th>Jan</th>                 <td>3163</td>             </tr>             <tr>                 <th>Feb</th>                 <td>3163.7</td>                      </tr>             <tr>                 <th>Mar</th>                 <td>3163.7</td>             </tr>             <tr>                 <th>Apr</th>                 <td>3163.7</td>                 </tr>             <tr>                     <th>May</th>                 <td>3163.7</td>             </tr>             <tr>                 <th>Jun</th>                 <td>3163.7</td>             </tr>              <tr>                 <th>...</th>                 <td>...</td>             </tr>         </tbody>     </table> </div> 

The number of items will be picked by the user, i.e. it could be 90 items in the table. This will require scrolling in the X-axis. The question I have got though is:

How do I fix the position of the th tags inside the tbody (and the th:first-child in the thead)?

I have been looking at some other threads, however they do not really explain how I achieve the fixed columns which makes it hard for me to understand what the codes does and what I am supposed to do.

I have also checked on solutions where people split up the header-column in another table. This wont be possible for me because I will export the data to other systems later on.

My css:

.table-wrapper {      overflow-x:scroll;     overflow-y:visible; } 

This fixes the scroll, now comes the work with:

tbody th,  thead th:first-child {} 

Anyone got any ideas?

EDIT: Here is a jsFiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/DJqPf/5/

like image 905
Jari Thorup Palo Avatar asked Sep 16 '13 11:09

Jari Thorup Palo

People also ask

How do you fix a column when scrolling in HTML?

To freeze the row/column we can use a simple HTML table and CSS. HTML: In HTML we can define the header row by <th> tag or we can use <td> tag also. Below example is using the <th> tag. We also put the table in DIV element to see the horizontal and vertical scrollbar by setting the overflow property of the DIV element.

How do I change the horizontal scroll bar?

For horizontal scrollable bar use the x and y-axis. Set the overflow-y: hidden; and overflow-x: auto; that will automatically hide the vertical scroll bar and present only the horizontal scrollbar. The white-space: nowrap; property is used to wrap text in a single line.

How do I stop sideways scrolling?

To hide the horizontal scrollbar and prevent horizontal scrolling, use overflow-x: hidden: HTML. CSS.

2 Answers



.table-wrapper {      overflow-x:scroll;     overflow-y:visible;     width:250px;     margin-left: 120px; } td, th {     padding: 5px 20px;     width: 100px; } th:first-child {     position: fixed;     left: 5px } 


$(function () {     $('.table-wrapper tr').each(function () {     var tr = $(this),         h = 0;     tr.children().each(function () {       var td = $(this),           tdh = td.height();       if (tdh > h) h = tdh;     });     tr.css({height: h + 'px'});   }); });
body {     position: relative; } .table-wrapper {      overflow-x:scroll;     overflow-y:visible;     width:200px;     margin-left: 120px; }   td, th {     padding: 5px 20px;     width: 100px; } tbody tr {    } th:first-child {     position: absolute;     left: 5px }
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.2.3.min.js"></script>   <meta charset="utf-8">   <title>JS Bin</title> </head> <body> <div>     <h1>SOME RANDOM TEXT</h1> </div> <div class="table-wrapper">     <table id="consumption-data" class="data">         <thead class="header">             <tr>                 <th>Month</th>                 <th>Item 1</th>                 <th>Item 2</th>                 <th>Item 3</th>                 <th>Item 4</th>             </tr>         </thead>         <tbody class="results">             <tr>                 <th>Jan is an awesome month</th>                 <td>3163</td>                 <td>3163</td>                 <td>3163</td>                 <td>3163</td>             </tr>             <tr>                 <th>Feb</th>                 <td>3163</td>                 <td>3163</td>                 <td>3163</td>                 <td>3163</td>             </tr>             <tr>                 <th>Mar</th>                 <td>3163</td>                 <td>3163</td>                 <td>3163</td>                 <td>3163</td>             </tr>             <tr>                 <th>Apr</th>                 <td>3163</td>                 <td>3163</td>                 <td>3163</td>                 <td>3163</td>               </tr>             <tr>                     <th>May</th>                 <td>3163</td>                 <td>3163</td>                 <td>3163</td>                 <td>3163</td>             </tr>             <tr>                 <th>Jun</th>                 <td>3163</td>                 <td>3163</td>                 <td>3163</td>                 <td>3163</td>             </tr>              <tr>                 <th>...</th>                 <td>...</td>                 <td>...</td>                 <td>...</td>                 <td>...</td>             </tr>         </tbody>     </table> </div>  <div> </div> </body> </html>
like image 185
rafaelcastrocouto Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 23:09


Solved using JavaScript + jQuery! I just need similar solution to my project but current solution with HTML and CSS is not ok for me because there is issue with column height + I need more then one column to be fixed. So I create simple javascript solution using jQuery

You can try it here https://jsfiddle.net/kindrosker/ffwqvntj/

All you need is setup home many columsn will be fixed in data-count-fixed-columns parameter

<table class="table" data-count-fixed-columns="2" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> 

and run js function

like image 26
Sergey Kharchishin Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 23:09

Sergey Kharchishin