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First steps with Celery using a virtualenv

I'm just doing my first steps using Celery. I created a small example which is based on the steps described at http://docs.celeryproject.org/en/latest/getting-started/first-steps-with-celery.html When I try to start the worker manually using

celery -A my_example worker --loglevel=info

I run in an error because a module from my virtualenv cannot be found. The virtualenv is activated and the module is installed, so I assume that celery is using my global python interpreter. I checked

celery worker --help

but found no parameter to specify a certain interpreter or virtualenv. Could somebody tell my how to start a worker manually inside a virtualenv?


I had Celery installed in my global python environment and in my virtualenv. I removed both and double checked that both versions are removed. I then installed Celery i my virutalenv. If I now call the celery comand line tool, it get the following error:

-bash: /usr/local/bin/celery: No such file or directory

That's the location where the tool would be installed to, if it would be installed globaly. So does Celery work at all from a virtualenv?

like image 343
Achim Avatar asked Oct 20 '13 15:10


People also ask

How do I use virtualenv in production?

To use your virtualenv in production, you will need to add its path to your PYTHONPATH. You will also need to add the directory that contains your settings.py file to the PYTHONPATH, so Django will be able to discover it. Just proceed in a similar manner to do so.

How do you deploy Celery?

You deploy Celery by running one or more worker processes. These processes connect to the message broker and listen for job requests. The message broker distributes job requests at random to all listening workers.

1 Answers

Tried to cleanly install celery in virtualenv (without installing it in global system interpreter):

mkdir celery-test
cd celery-test
virtualenv-2.7 .python
source .python/bin/activate
pip install celery
celery worker --help

It works perfectly, which celery gives me:


As expected.

I suggesting you to rerun your terminal session (possible problems with PATH).

If it does not help, then you can inspect your PATH variable to find, why celery from virtualenv not visible.

And if there are no problems with PATH, but problem persists, try to recreate your virtualenv from scratch.


Another suggestion: check output of:

which celery

It should point to some path, but also it could be aliased like that:

celery: aliased to /somepath/bin/celery

If it actually aliased to something, than you need to check your ~/.bashrc (~/.zshrc) or ~/.bash_profile (~/.zprofile), or even contents of /etc/profile.d/* folder. You need to get rid of this alias.

like image 74
Waterlink Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 20:09
