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Firestore limit on updating data about once per second; why do I seem to be able to go past it?

Firestore documentation and the quotas chart show that a document can only be updated about once per second. Why do I seem to be able to update a document more than once per second with no problem?

I tried a simple "for loop" and all writes seem to go through:

 const db = firebase.firestore(firebase.app("prjID"));
 for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
     console.log(`updating /test/test with test:${i} ${new Date().getMilliseconds()}`);
     db.doc(`/test/test`).update({ test: i });

log shows : enter image description here

I am wondering if someone knows the supposed server response when multiple write operations are attempted in less than a second i.e, beyond the limit that I seemingly can ignore?

If I am missing something and the limit means something different any explanation?

like image 299
TheeBen Avatar asked Feb 07 '18 17:02


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1 Answers

FYI for whoever might wonder about this. This is not a hard limit enforced by Firebase but rather an indication of the system's capabilities. Read more into the answer I got from Firebase here. So if you think you are going to perform thousands of writes to a document in short amount of time then you should think about it. But for a few writes here and there, systems seems to be capable of handling it in timely manner.

like image 56
TheeBen Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 16:09
