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Firestore: How to query for non-existing (undefined) fields? [duplicate]


Let's say I have a data model with some optional properties. This could be for example a user object with a "firstname", a "lastname" and an optional "website" property.

In Cloud Firestore only user documents with a known website would have the "website" property set, for all other user documents this property would not exist.

My questions is now how to query for all user documents without a "website" property.


like image 873
Georg Avatar asked Oct 18 '17 09:10


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1 Answers

Documents can contain properties with a null value data type (see data types documentation). This will then allow you to construct a query to limit results where the website property is null.

This is not quite the same as a missing property, but if you use custom objects to write data to Firestore, empty properties will automatically be saved as null rather than not at all. You can also manually/programmatically write a null value to the database.

In Android, I tested this using the following:

FirebaseFirestore.getInstance().collection("test").whereEqualTo("website", null).get(); 

Where my database structure looked like:

example firestore structure

This returned only the document inuwlZOvZNTHuBakS6GV, because document 9Hf7uwORiiToOKz6zcsX contains a string value in the website property.

I believe you usually develop in Swift, where unfortunately custom objects aren't supported, but you can use NSNull() to write a null value to Firestore. For example (I'm not proficient in Swift, so feel free to correct any issues):

// Writing data let docData: [String: Any] = [     "firstname": "Example",     "lastname": "User",     "website": NSNull() ] db.collection("data").document("one").setData(docData) { err in     if let err = err {         print("Error writing document: \(err)")     } else {         print("Document successfully written!")     } }  // Querying for null values let query = db.collection("test").whereField("website", isEqualTo: NSNull()) 

The documentation doesn't mention a method to query for values that don't exist, so this seems like the next best approach. If anyone can improve or suggest alternatives, please do.

like image 79
Grimthorr Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 00:09
