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Firebase storage : list files in a specific directory

How to list files in Firebase storage in a specific directory (eg: /test),

Here is what I tried :

 var query = {
    delimiter: 'test/'

const storageRef = admin.storage().bucket().getFiles(query, function(err, files, nextQuery, apiResponse) {


but it returns files at the root of the bucket..

Any idea?

like image 740
Julien Avatar asked Dec 13 '18 08:12


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1 Answers

It looks like you're not passing the correct object to getFiles(). The documentation for the GetFilesRequest object suggests that you should be passing a property called directory, not delimiter. If you want all the files under /test, then pass { directory: '/test' }

like image 166
Doug Stevenson Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 09:09

Doug Stevenson