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Firebase serve in docker container works for functions but not hosting


I've set up the following container Dockerfile:

FROM devillex/docker-firebase


RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y openssl \
        libssl-dev \
        bash \
        less \
        vim \
        gnupg \
        curl \
        net-tools \
        apt-transport-https \
        ca-certificates; \
    CLOUD_SDK_REPO="cloud-sdk-$(grep VERSION_CODENAME /etc/os-release | cut -d '=' -f 2)" &&\
    echo "deb https://packages.cloud.google.com/apt $CLOUD_SDK_REPO main" | tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-cloud-sdk.list &&\
    curl https://packages.cloud.google.com/apt/doc/apt-key.gpg | apt-key add -; \
    apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
        google-cloud-sdk \
        google-cloud-sdk-cloud-build-local &&\
    gcloud config set project request-a-dance

RUN adduser --disabled-password --gecos "" --shell /bin/bash $USER &&\
    mkdir /home/app/src &&\
    npm install firebase-tools mocha standard

USER app
WORKDIR /home/app/src

EXPOSE 5000 5001 9005

With an accompanying docker-compose.yml file:

version: '3.3'
    image: firebase:local
    hostname: "firebase-local"
      context: ../..
      dockerfile: docker/local/Dockerfile
      - ~/.config:/home/app/.config
      - ~/.bash_aliases:/home/app/.bash_aliases:ro
      - ~/.bashrc:/home/app/.bashrc:ro
      - ../../src:/home/app/src/
        - 5000:5080
        - 5001:5001
        - 9005:9005
    tty: true

I ran through the firebase init process inside my container image and now I have the following file structure inside the src directory:

|- .firebase
|- .firebaserc
|- .gitignore
|- firebase-debug.log
|- firebase.json
|- firestore.indexes.json
|- firestore.rules
|- functions
  |- index.js
  |- node_modules
  |- package.json
  |- package-lock.json
|- public
  |- index.html

I ran firebase deploy and when I visited the url for my hosted app, the browser returned the contents of public/index.html

However when I now run firebase serve -o inside the running docker container, requests to return:

// 20190920055855

  "status": "alive"

And here is the problem: requests to return to the browser:

This page isn’t working didn’t send any data.

I've read through other answers on stackoverlfow such as firebase serve in docker container not visible to host os but it seems like this should be an all or nothing deal, both hosting and functions should fail or work but not functions work while hosting fails.

I'm fairly certain that something is off within my firebase.json hosting config, but given that it works when deployed I'm not sure how that would be.

like image 882
Noah Goodrich Avatar asked Sep 20 '19 12:09

Noah Goodrich

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1 Answers

Have you spot the line

    - 5000:5080

Maybe should - 5000:5000 not 5080?

like image 77
zzeroo Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 16:10
