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Firebase Remote Config App Version condition comparison

I'm using Firebase Remote Config, and I'm trying to wrap my head around the App Version conditions.

https://firebase.google.com/docs/remote-config/parameters#rule_types says I must do String matching on it.

But I really need a way to say parameter_x will have different values on different version ranges.

Is there any way to do this, or am I stuck coming up with a ridiculous regular expression?

like image 616
Scott Kennedy Avatar asked Feb 07 '17 02:02

Scott Kennedy

1 Answers

the comparison operators for app version are limited (because of strings, eg 0.0.1-alpha5):

for string values: contains, does not contain, exactly matches, regular expression

while an (int) versionCode could be defined & compared as a user property:

for numeric values: =, , >, , <,

appending the build flavor to the versionName might be the most simple.

like image 141
Martin Zeitler Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 12:10

Martin Zeitler