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Firebase: Reduce the number of distinct registered text parameters (in name, type) defined in your project to 20

We have some exciting new features coming soon to Google Analytics for Firebase, but we’ve noticed some issues with your project’s configuration which will prevent us from making those features available to you.

Our records indicate that you have a Firebase project (****513) that will be affected.

In the past, we’ve enforced configuration limits independently on each of the apps in your Firebase project. However, going forward, these limits will be enforced on a project-wide basis. As such, we need your help in making the necessary and appropriate changes to your project’s configuration to pave the way for access to our coming upgrades.

Specifically, we need you to make the following changes by April 25, 2018:

Reduce the number of distinct registered text parameters (in name, type) defined in your project to 20.

What's the number of distinct registered text parameters? because Firebase just gives 10 text parameter quota per app!

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Yessine Mahdouani Avatar asked Mar 28 '18 07:03

Yessine Mahdouani

1 Answers

So what I undrestand from searching that reporting is moving from app-level to project-level, as they said In the past, we’ve enforced configuration limits independently on each of the apps in your Firebase project. However, going forward, these limits will be enforced on a project-wide basis. - this means that they all share the same user properties: for example, lets say "favorite_item" is a user property on 2 apps, then it would just be a single user property at the project level.

Listed here are the configurations which will be based project-wide:

Audience: 50 *Audiences which are identical in name (case-sensitive) and definition across every app will be counted as 1.

User Property: 25 *firebase_last_notification is included. *User properties which are identical in name (case-sensitive) across every app will be counted as 1.

Custom Parameters: 10 text and 40 numeric *For reporting only. 25 custom parameters per event for logging still applies. *Projects with 20 registered parameters or fewer are going to be ‘grandfathered’, they will be allowed to keep them. However, they won't be able to register new parameters.

Conversion events: 10 *Custom events only. Pre-defined events are not included.

A response from Firebase Support to Denny Huang

Thanks for reaching out to us. We have sent that email to all customers who are exceeding limits for future enhancements to the product. If you got an email for exceeding custom parameters in your project, this means the project (combined all apps) has more than 10 distinct text parameters and/or more than 40 distinct numeric parameters. It the project exceeds 20 distinct text parameters, you must unregister extraneous text parameters to get below 20. Otherwise, if the project already exceeds the limit of 10 distinct text parameters, no changes are required at this time, but the limit of 10 will be applied when you attempt to register new parameters.

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Yessine Mahdouani Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 16:10

Yessine Mahdouani