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Firebase Project Initialization Error: Cloud resource location is not set for this project


I tried to find a quick answer to this question but couldn't find anything. I am trying to set up an Ionic application to use an existing Firebase project and when running firebase init in the windows console I get this message:

Error: Cloud resource location is not set for this project but the operation you are attempting to perform in Cloud Firestore requires it. Please see this documentation for more details: https://firebase.google.com/docs/projects/locations

like image 844
pasx Avatar asked Oct 27 '19 11:10


1 Answers

The message is actually clear but it took me a while to find where in the Firebase console the necessary option is located:

  • Go to your project Settings
  • On the first tab, locate the settings that reads "Set up Cloud Storage in FB console"
  • If it is not set, edit it and set the value

Strangely, this value is mandatory earlier when creating your project but for some reason you need to explicitly select it again in this form.

like image 68
pasx Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 00:10
