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Firebase onDisconnect not 100% reliable now?



I've been using Firebase extensively and still face only one real issue: onDisconnect isn't 100% reliable in my experience.

If you close a computer without closing the window first, or kill the browser, you sometime have the "garbage collector" getting your onDisconnect executed, sometimes it doesn't.

My question is the following: I just don't use /.connected for now, I basically use a simple

userRef.set('status', 1);
userRef.onDisconnect().update({ 'status' : 0 });

Is there anything wrong with this approach? Do we agree that the update parameters are passed to the server at the time the line is executed and not before window unload ?

NB: I happen to try to keep a multi-window status, using the following approach to keep the status at 1 if another window is closed:

userRef.child('status').on('value', function(snap) {
  if (snap.val() != 1) {
    userRef.set('status', 1);

I don't this how this could be related, but...

MY SOLUTION: In fact, I had just missed the part where you learn that onDisconnect is only triggered once. To get a persistent onDisconnect, you need to implement basic persistence.

Helpers.onConnected = function(callback) {
    var connectedRef = lm.newFirebase('.info/connected');
    var fn =  connectedRef.on('value', function(snap) {
      if (snap.val() === true) {
          if (callback) callback();
    var returned = {};
    returned.cancel = function() {
        connectedRef.off('value', fn);
    return returned;

Simple use case:

        this._onConnected = lm.helpers.onConnected(function() {
            this.firebase.onDisconnect().update({ 'tu': 0 });

And then to cancel:

        if (this._onConnected) this._onConnected.cancel();
like image 507
cwehrung Avatar asked Jun 12 '13 15:06


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1 Answers

Expanding on the comment :

This is why we provide the /.info/connected endpoint. 
We recommend re-establishing the disconnect handler every time the connection comes back online

I followed the above and got it fixed:

const userRef = Firebase.database().ref('/users/<user-id>')

  .on('value', async snap => {
    if (snap.val() === true) {
      await userRef.onDisconnect().remove();
      await userRef.update({ status : 'online' })
    } else {
      await this.userRef.remove()

For reference, my previous code was:

const userRef = Firebase.database().ref('/users/<user-id>')
await userRef.update({ status : 'online' })

The issue with this is that the onDisconnect may not work when you go offline and come back online multiple times

like image 113
FacePalm Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 08:10
