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Firebase: How to store Videos in storage and then store video URL in database?

So I am using Firebase for the first time. I have read that you should store videos in Storage and then store that unique URL in their Database. How would I take this approach? For example if a user request a specific video to play how would I grab the URL from the database and then with that url pull the video out of the database?

Thank for the help and excuse my inexperience with Firebase.

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SteveSmith Avatar asked Jun 18 '16 20:06


People also ask

Can I store videos in Firebase storage?

2020: Yes, firebase storage video streaming is easy and possible.

How can I get download URL from Firebase storage after uploading?

Once you have a reference, you can download files from Cloud Storage by calling the getBytes() or getStream() . If you prefer to download the file with another library, you can get a download URL with getDownloadUrl() .

How can upload image in Firebase storage and get URL?

Image URL is obtained by uploading an image to firebase bucket and then that can return back a URL that URL is a permanent URL which can be open anywhere. Then a user can use this URL for any purpose in its application.

2 Answers

From the Zero to App talk at Google I/O comes this code:

// pragma mark - UIImagePickerDelegate overrides
func imagePickerController(picker: UIImagePickerController, didFinishPickingMediaWithInfo info: [String : AnyObject]) {

  // Get local file URLs
  guard let image: UIImage = info[UIImagePickerControllerOriginalImage] as? UIImage else { return }
  let imageData = UIImagePNGRepresentation(image)!
  guard let imageURL: NSURL = info[UIImagePickerControllerReferenceURL] as? NSURL else { return }

  // Get a reference to the location where we'll store our photos
  let photosRef = storage.reference().child("chat_photos")

  // Get a reference to store the file at chat_photos/<FILENAME>
  let photoRef = photosRef.child("\(NSUUID().UUIDString).png")

  // Upload file to Firebase Storage
  let metadata = FIRStorageMetadata()
  metadata.contentType = "image/png"
  photoRef.putData(imageData, metadata: metadata).observeStatus(.Success) { (snapshot) in
    // When the image has successfully uploaded, we get it's download URL
    let text = snapshot.metadata?.downloadURL()?.absoluteString
    // Set the download URL to the message box, so that the user can send it to the database
    self.messageTextField.text = text

  // Clean up picker
  dismissViewControllerAnimated(true, completion: nil)

This takes the image that was selected in the image picker, uploads it to Firebase Storage and then sets the resulting download URL for that image into a text field:

// Send a chat message
func sendMessage(sender: AnyObject) {
  // Create chat message
  let chatMessage = ChatMessage(name: self.username, message: messageTextField.text!, image: nil)
  messageTextField.text = ""

  // Create a reference to our chat message
  let chatRef = database.reference().child("chat")

  // Push the chat message to the database
  chatRef.childByAutoId().setValue(["name": chatMessage.name, "message": chatMessage.message])

The sendMessage method then sends the text from the text box to the database.

Full code for that minimal example is in this gist.

like image 77
Frank van Puffelen Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 22:10

Frank van Puffelen

Here is my solution to store Videos into Firebase Storage. For Swift 3.

func uploadVideo(_ path: URL, _ userID: String,
                 metadataEsc: @escaping (URL, FIRStorageReference)->(),
                 progressEsc: @escaping (Progress)->(),
                 completionEsc: @escaping ()->(),
                 errorEsc: @escaping (Error)->()) {

    let localFile: URL = path
    let videoName = getName()
    let nameRef = StorageHandler.videosRef.child(userID).child(videoName)
    let metadata = FIRStorageMetadata()
    metadata.contentType = "video"

    let uploadTask = nameRef.putFile(localFile, metadata: metadata) { metadata, error in
        if error != nil {
        } else {
            if let meta = metadata {
                if let url = meta.downloadURL() {
                    metadataEsc(url, nameRef)

    _ = uploadTask.observe(.progress, handler: { snapshot in
        if let progressSnap = snapshot.progress {

    _ = uploadTask.observe(.success, handler: { snapshot in
        if snapshot.status == .success {

func getName() -> String {
        let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
        let dateFormat = "yyyyMMddHHmmss"
        dateFormatter.dateFormat = dateFormat
        let date = dateFormatter.string(from: Date())
        let name = date.appending(".mp4")
        return name

Called by:

StorageHandler.shared.uploadVideo(myFileURL, myUserID, metadataEsc: { (url, ref) in
    print("url = \(url)") // here is the URL you can then store into your Firebase tree
    print("ref = \(ref)")
}, progressEsc: { progress in
    print("progress = \(progress)")
}, completionEsc: {
}, errorEsc: { error in
    print("*** Error during file upload: \(error.localizedDescription)")
like image 2
David Seek Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 21:10

David Seek