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Firebase hosting: How to prevent caching for the index.html of an SPA

I'm hosting an SPA on firebase where almost all paths get rewritten to index.html. I'm using webpack hash based cache busting, so I want to always prevent caching of my index.html but not any other files. I'm finding it surprisingly difficult to do so. Specifically, my file layout looks like this

/ ├── index.html ├── login.html ├── js │   ├── login.ba22ef2579d744b26c65.bundle.js │   └── main.6d0ef60e45ae7a11063c.bundle.js └── public     └── favicon-16x16.ico 

I started naively with "sources": "index.html" before reading this quote from the docs.

Each definition must have a source key that is matched against the original request path regardless of any rewrite rules using glob notation.

Ok, so instead of a simple glob that specifies the files I want these headers on, I guess I need one on paths. Since most paths redirect to index.html, I need a glob that excludes all the paths I do not want to put these headers on.

For reference, my firebase.json hosting section looks like this:

{   "hosting": {     "public": "dist",     "rewrites": [       {         "source": "**",         "destination": "/index.html"       }     ],     "cleanUrls": true,     "trailingSlash": false,     "headers": [       {         "source": <<<WHAT-GOES-HERE?>>>,         "headers": [           {             "key": "Cache-Control",             "value": "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate"           },           {             "key": "Pragma",             "value": "no-cache"           },           {             "key": "Expires",             "value": "0"           }         ]       }     ]   } } 

So, to give some examples that redirect to index.html and should not be cached

mysite.com   mysite.com/   mysite.com/foo/bar/baz   mysite.com/index.html  

Note: I could live if that last one got cached since it doesn't get used in practice.

And the things that do not redirect to index.html and should not be cached

**/*.* (ideally excluding index.html) mysite.com/login   

The closest I've gotten on my own is **/!(login|*.*) which works for almost everything listed above, but inexplicably does not work on mysite.com or mysite.com/. Those 2 pages are not getting matched by this glob and I cannot figure out why.

like image 975
zevdg Avatar asked Feb 02 '18 19:02


People also ask

Should index HTML be cached?

Yes, that is the correct way. You have to set the Cache-Control header to let the browsers know that they don't have to cache any content for that request. ( Pragma & Cache-Control is one and the same thing but from the different HTTP specification.

Does firebase do caching?

Firebase Hosting uses a powerful global CDN to make your site as fast as possible. Any requested static content is automatically cached on the CDN.

Should I add .firebase to Gitignore?

gitignore ? stackoverflow.com/a/52131191: Quote, "you should definitely add the . firebase directory to your . gitignore or equivalent file, since it contains information that's not strictly part of your project, and is likely not applicable for everyone sharing and contributing to your project source code."

1 Answers

Here is the config that I'm using. The logic is to use cache for all static files like images, css, js etc.. For all others, i.e "source": "/**" set cache as no-cache. So for all other files, that maybe example.com, example.com/index.html, example.com/about-us, example.com/about-us.html cache will not be applied.

{   "hosting": {     "public": "dist",     "headers": [       {         "source": "/**",         "headers": [           {             "key": "Cache-Control",             "value": "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate"           }         ]       },       {         "source":           "**/*.@(jpg|jpeg|gif|png|svg|webp|js|css|eot|otf|ttf|ttc|woff|woff2|font.css)",         "headers": [           {             "key": "Cache-Control",             "value": "max-age=604800"           }         ]       }     ],     "ignore": ["firebase.json", "**/.*", "**/node_modules/**"]   } } 
like image 103
Gijo Varghese Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 18:10

Gijo Varghese