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Firebase FCM Instance ID is nil (running quickstart app on real device)

Running the FCM demo app on my iPhone doesn't work - The Firebase ID is nil.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. pod try Firebase, and run 10: quickstart-ios/messaging/FCM.xcodeproj
  2. Copy my GoogleService-Info.plist file into the project
  3. Run the app on an iPhone 5s (iOS 9.3.2)
  4. Accept the dialog requesting permission to send notifications
  5. Click the buttons
  6. The Instance Id token is nil

My Mac has the appropriate certificates to develop and deploy apps:

  1. I have both iOS distribution and iOS development provisioning profiles, chosen using the 'automatic' settings.
  2. I have both iOS distribution and iOS development certificates installed, code-signed using the 'automatic: iPhone developer' option
  3. I have the 'Production' SSL certificate installed: "Apple Push Notification service SSL (Sandbox & Production)"

I see lots of noise in the logs, but the most significant error is this one:

Failed to fetch default token Error Domain=com.firebase.iid Code=0 "(null)"

Here is the full console output:

2016-06-25 16:15:08.339 FCM[7398:4128979] Configuring the default app.
2016-06-25 16:15:08.383 FCM[7398:] <FIRAnalytics/INFO> Firebase Analytics v.3200000 started
2016-06-25 16:15:08.396: <FIRInstanceID/WARNING> FIRInstanceID AppDelegate proxy enabled, will swizzle app delegate remote notification handlers. To disable add "FirebaseAppDelegateProxyEnabled" to your Info.plist and set it to NO
2016-06-25 16:15:08.397: <FIRInstanceID/WARNING> Failed to fetch APNS token Error Domain=com.firebase.iid Code=1001 "(null)"
2016-06-25 16:15:08.403: <FIRMessaging/INFO> FIRMessaging library version 1.1.0
2016-06-25 16:15:08.413: <FIRMessaging/WARNING> FIRMessaging AppDelegate proxy enabled, will swizzle app delegate remote notification receiver handlers. Add "FirebaseAppDelegateProxyEnabled" to your Info.plist and set it to NO
2016-06-25 16:15:08.443 FCM[7398:] <FIRAnalytics/INFO> Successfully created Firebase Analytics App Delegate Proxy automatically. To disable the proxy, set the flag FirebaseAppDelegateProxyEnabled to NO in the Info.plist
2016-06-25 16:15:08.508 FCM[7398:] <FIRAnalytics/INFO> Firebase Analytics enabled
2016-06-25 16:15:08.538: <FIRInstanceID/WARNING> APNS Environment in profile: development
2016-06-25 16:15:08.848 FCM[7398:4128979] Connected to FCM.
2016-06-25 16:15:08.893: <FIRInstanceID/WARNING> Failed to fetch default token Error Domain=com.firebase.iid Code=0 "(null)"
2016-06-25 16:15:22.311: <FIRInstanceID/WARNING> Failed to fetch default token Error Domain=com.firebase.iid Code=0 "(null)"
2016-06-25 16:15:36.774 FCM[7398:4128979] Unable to connect to FCM. Error Domain=com.google.fcm Code=2001 "(null)"
2016-06-25 16:15:40.552 FCM[7398:4128979] Subscribed to news topic
2016-06-25 16:15:43.100 FCM[7398:4128979] InstanceID token: (null)
2016-06-25 16:15:49.036: <FIRInstanceID/WARNING> Failed to fetch default token Error Domain=com.firebase.iid Code=0 "(null)"
2016-06-25 16:16:31.022: <FIRInstanceID/WARNING> Failed to fetch default token Error Domain=com.firebase.iid Code=0 "(null)"
2016-06-25 16:17:32.976: <FIRInstanceID/WARNING> Failed to fetch default token Error Domain=com.firebase.iid Code=0 "(null)"
2016-06-25 16:17:32.976: <FIRInstanceID/WARNING> Failed to retrieve the default GCM token after 5 retries
2016-06-25 16:19:10.662 FCM[7398:4128979] InstanceID token: (null)
2016-06-25 16:19:10.980: <FIRInstanceID/WARNING> Failed to fetch default token Error Domain=com.firebase.iid Code=0 "(null)"
2016-06-25 16:19:10.981: <FIRInstanceID/WARNING> Failed to retrieve the default GCM token after 5 retries
like image 560
IanS Avatar asked Jun 25 '16 15:06


2 Answers

Try updating Firebase/Core to v3.4.4, it fixed unexpected errors for me. Otherwise the typical fixes are:

  • Enabling Push Notifications under the app's Capabilities
  • Avoid calling unregisterForRemoteNotifications. After this call, you can't register the device anymore to push notifications.
  • Setting FirebaseAppDelegateProxyEnabled to NO in your info.plist file. I think there are bugs with their method swizzling.
  • Calling [[FIRMessaging messaging] setAPNSToken:deviceToken type:FIRInstanceIDAPNSTokenTypeUnknown] in the method didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken:(NSData *)deviceToken
like image 74
Lucas Chwe Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 11:10

Lucas Chwe

I just ran the same code on the simulator (iPhone 5, iOS 9.3), and I get a token without any trouble.

I do see lots of the same warnings, though...

2016-06-25 16:38:31.353 FCM[2546:42455] Configuring the default app.
2016-06-25 16:38:32.561 FCM[2546:] <FIRAnalytics/INFO> Firebase Analytics v.3200000 started
2016-06-25 16:38:32.833 FCM[2546:] <FIRAnalytics/INFO> Successfully created Firebase Analytics App Delegate Proxy automatically. To disable the proxy, set the flag FirebaseAppDelegateProxyEnabled to NO in the Info.plist
2016-06-25 16:38:32.901: <FIRInstanceID/WARNING> FIRInstanceID AppDelegate proxy enabled, will swizzle app delegate remote notification handlers. To disable add "FirebaseAppDelegateProxyEnabled" to your Info.plist and set it to NO
2016-06-25 16:38:32.928: <FIRInstanceID/WARNING> Failed to fetch APNS token Error Domain=com.firebase.iid Code=1001 "(null)"
2016-06-25 16:38:32.971: <FIRMessaging/INFO> FIRMessaging library version 1.1.0
2016-06-25 16:38:33.189: <FIRMessaging/WARNING> FIRMessaging AppDelegate proxy enabled, will swizzle app delegate remote notification receiver handlers. Add "FirebaseAppDelegateProxyEnabled" to your Info.plist and set it to NO
2016-06-25 16:38:51.140 FCM[2546:42883] CFNetwork SSLHandshake failed (-9806)
2016-06-25 16:38:51.141 FCM[2546:42883] NSURLSession/NSURLConnection HTTP load failed (kCFStreamErrorDomainSSL, -9806)
2016-06-25 16:38:51.460 FCM[2546:42455] Connected to FCM.
2016-06-25 16:38:56.709 FCM[2546:42455] InstanceID token: fgbPv5tnsPk:APA91bHUWOmuLmd4UkLXcp3Lysp92fH6bOb7tfmbjHehFOt_NPnc6tnMk-7YT51VASkk-dyHZAl01QRcedwqGUhHMiIXeV_xknBXppncu0WyjKLYhaVQ08bYKNZ5M1CuSjtk9l0HPyJX
2016-06-25 16:38:56.711 FCM[2546:42455] Unable to connect to FCM. Error Domain=com.google.fcm Code=2001 "(null)"
2016-06-25 16:38:57.505 FCM[2546:] <FIRAnalytics/INFO> Firebase Analytics enabled
2016-06-25 16:40:03.845 FCM[2546:42455] Unable to connect to FCM. Error Domain=com.google.fcm Code=2001 "(null)"
2016-06-25 16:40:06.534 FCM[2546:42455] InstanceID token: fgbPv5tns9......
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IanS Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 12:10
