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Firebase email verification goes to spam folder

I made a mobile app and used Firebase for backend and authentication. When I use firebase's built in email verification, the email always goes to the junk folder / spam.

Does anyone know how to fix this?

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Josh Karol Avatar asked Sep 18 '17 16:09

Josh Karol

People also ask

What does firebase email authentication do?

You can use Firebase Authentication to sign in a user by sending them an email containing a link, which they can click to sign in. In the process, the user's email address is also verified. There are numerous benefits to signing in by email: Low friction sign-up and sign-in.

Can firebase send OTP for email?

Firebase provides Password less Email Login but with a caveat. It doesn't provide OTP (One Time Password) but a link in the inbox which opens a new tab in browser which hampers user experience especially when you are working in PWA (Progressive Web App).

1 Answers

That's weird. Firebase made restrictions to avoid this problem. Check here

Spam filters normally look for these things:

  • Subject Line: looking for common words and phrases associated with spam.
  • Content: looking for suspicious links, low text to image ratios, and other spammy hallmarks.
  • Metadata: looking at the To/From/CC fields, the sender’s domain, and embedded code.
  • IP address: looking for IPs that have been flagged frequently as spam by both filters and recipients in the past.

More Info

Ill suggest using your own domain to send emails. You can check this article on how to do this. You will also get the extra benefit of looking more professional.

Hope it helps :)

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ajorquera Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 01:10
