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Firebase Crash Reporting Multiple Issues

I am setting up Firebase Crash Reporting on my iOS App. I have imported the necessary json files and set up the shell script. However, when I click run on the simulator, I get 11 errors all say about the same thing. Here are two of them:

warning: dump_syms: /var/folders/5l/20by_c_57fb7jhv3jh72jw9m0000gn/T/com.google.FirebaseCrashReporter.TAlixfZc/**App Name**.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/**App Name**: in compilation unit '/Users/mikelehen/firebase/firebase-client-objc/Firebase/Firebase/Utilities/FUtilities.m' (offset 0x28a2e): `

warning: dump_syms: /var/folders/5l/20by_c_57fb7jhv3jh72jw9m0000gn/T/com.google.FirebaseCrashReporter.TAlixfZc/**App name**.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/**App Name**: the DIE at offset 0x28fc1 has a DW_AT_abstract_origin attribute referring to the die at offset 0x2940f, which either was not marked as an inline, or comes later in the file `

When I try to run it on my iPhone I get only four issues.

Also, my name is not mikelehen which is for some reason in one of the issues.

After following the instructions on Firebase's website about simulating a crash, I never get the log output about the crash being uploaded.

Any idea of what I'm doing wrong here?

Edit: Here is the script that is in my build phases:

JSON_FILE="../**App Name**/ServiceAccount.json"


defaults write com.google.SymbolUpload version -integer 1
JSON=$(cat "${JSON_FILE}")
/usr/bin/plutil -replace "app_${GOOGLE_APP_ID//:/_}" -json "${JSON}" "$HOME/Library/Preferences/com.google.SymbolUpload.plist"
like image 428
Philip Sawyer Avatar asked Jun 09 '16 04:06

Philip Sawyer

People also ask

How do I check my Firebase crash log?

Go to the Crashlytics dashboard of the Firebase console to see your test crash.

What is responsible for reporting application crashes?

A crash reporter is usually a system software whose function is to identify reporting crash details and to alert when there are crashes, in production or on development / testing environments. Crash reports often include data such as stack traces, type of crash, trends and version of software.

Where are Crashlytic logs in Firebase?

Crashlytics associates the logs with your crash data and displays them in the Crashlytics page of the Firebase console, under the Logs tab.

How does Crashlytics work?

Firebase Crashlytics is a lightweight, realtime crash reporter that helps you track, prioritize, and fix stability issues that erode your app quality. Crashlytics saves you troubleshooting time by intelligently grouping crashes and highlighting the circumstances that lead up to them.

1 Answers


  1. Build Phases --> Run Script
  2. Click Run script only when installing
like image 120
Ali Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 01:10
