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Firebase Auth across multiple projects with different Providers


I am looking for the Firebase to be authenticated seamlessly across multiple projects with different auth providers.


Suppose I have a website with 10 pages, with different data coming from 2 firebase projects ( project-1, project-2)

project-1 contains all the Users accounts

When I sign up/Login into firebase project (project-1). I am using Google/Phone/Password/Facebook. this creates users account if not exists.

Now I can see the data coming from the firebase (project-1).

Now few of my pages website want to access data from the project-2.

How to maintain the authentication state across the 2 projects so that, project-2 will get authenticated seamlessly with out prompting signup again. Probably with the same auth token which already created for project-1

I read this blog which was created by Ian Barber Working with multiple Firebase projects in an Android app. Which is only discussed about the google and android case only.


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nagabandaru Avatar asked Sep 03 '17 19:09


1 Answers

You can use a combination of firebase-admin on a server and a custom firebase token as described here.

Essentially, you can get a user's JWT token for your first app using the methods described in this answer. Then you could make a request to your own server that would validate that your JWT token originated from your first project and could then issue you a second JWT token you can use to authenticate with the second project.

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Inbar Koursh Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 12:09

Inbar Koursh