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Firebase Analytics custom events not showing in Events list

I am implementing Firebase Analytics in an Ionic 3 Application. I want to log some custom events in certain places in the code that correspond to business-important workflows. So in those places in code I use a method that I created that calls the cordova-plugin-firebasex:

logEvent(eventName: string, eventParams?: any) {
    window['FirebasePlugin'].logEvent(eventName, eventParams);

eventName is my custom event name, for example GO_TO_SHOP_LINK_CLICKED. When I go to the firebase console and run the Debug View, I can see the events occuring when I go through the workflows on my development device. I can also see the events logged in the Stream View (and they appear in the Events from last 30 minutes tab). However, none of my custom events appear in the Events table in the Firebase Console, which essentially means I have no way of looking up the stats for my custom events older than 30 minutes. I am sure I am missing something and there's no way Firebase doesn't allow such a basic use case. Can you please advise? Thanks

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furry12 Avatar asked Feb 09 '20 18:02


People also ask

How do I see events in Firebase Analytics?

View events in the dashboard You can access this data from the Events dashboard in the Firebase console. This dashboard shows the event reports that are automatically created for each distinct type of event logged by your app.

How long does it take for my Firebase Analytics data to show up?

But on Android devices with Play Services, this one hour timer is across all apps using Firebase Analytics. In addition, Firebase Analytics will send down all of its data from the client if your user triggers a conversion event (like making an in-app purchase).

How often does Firebase Analytics update?

Your reports should refresh approximately every 4 hours.

How many events can be created in Firebase?

Enable events as conversions You may add up to 30 events per project as conversions, in addition to the five default conversions ( first_open , in_app_purchase , app_store_subscription_convert , app_store_subscription_renew , and purchase ).

1 Answers

For newly integrated SDK, you will usually see the first analytics report within 24 hours, and about 3-4 hours delay for the succeeding data because the SDK has a data batching mechanism to save battery life and other resources. If you can see that the analytics data are being logged by your app and in DebugView, it means that your integration is correct.

If the issue persists, I suggest you reach out to Firebase support and share with them the verbose logs and screenshot of DebugView console.

like image 64
looptheloop88 Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 00:09
