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Fire trigger on update of columnA or ColumnB or ColumnC


I have the code to fire a trigger only on an update of a single specific column. The trigger is used to fire a function that will raise a postgres "notify" event, which I am listening for and will need to test and validate the newly input details. There are many values on the account_details table which could be change which do not require an account validate, so a trigger on AFTER UPDATE only (without a when) is no good.

    CREATE TRIGGER trigger_update_account_details     AFTER UPDATE ON account_details     FOR EACH ROW     WHEN (OLD.email IS DISTINCT FROM NEW.email)      EXECUTE PROCEDURE notify_insert_account_details(); 

But I want to fire the trigger if one of many columns change, something like

WHEN (OLD.email IS DISTINCT FROM NEW.email OR  OLD.username IS DISTINCT FROM NEW.username OR  OLD.password IS DISTINCT FROM NEW.password)  

But OR is not a valid keyword for a trigger. Trying to search for the keyword to use instead of OR doesn't seem to bring up anything due the nature of the word OR :-(

like image 571
Martin Avatar asked Aug 21 '14 20:08


People also ask

How do I know which column is updated in a trigger?

Using a SQL Server trigger to check if a column is updated, there are two ways this can be done; one is to use the function update(<col name>) and the other is to use columns_updated().

What trigger will get fired when the user enters a new column?

A trigger fired by an INSERT statement has meaningful access to new column values only. Because the row is being created by the INSERT operation, the old values are null. A trigger fired by an UPDATE statement has access to both old and new column values for both BEFORE and AFTER row triggers.

How do you execute a trigger only when a specific column is updated?

In SQL Server, you can create DML triggers that execute code only when a specific column is updated. The trigger still fires, but you can test whether or not a specific column was updated, and then run code only if that column was updated. You can do this by using the UPDATE() function inside your trigger.

How update a column with trigger in SQL?

CREATE TRIGGER [SCHEMA_NAME]. [YOUR_TRIGGER_NAME] ON YOUR_TABLE_NAME AFTER UDATE AS BEGIN {SQL STATEMENTS} END; UPDATE TABLE_NAME SET COLUMN_NAME= NEW_VALUE WHERE [CONDITIONS]; Let's see the syntax explanation: SCHEMA_NAME: it is the name of the schema in which we will create a new trigger in the database.

1 Answers

This is a misunderstanding. The WHEN clause of the trigger definition expects a boolean expression and you can use OR operators in it. This should just work (given that all columns actually exist in the table account_details). I am using similar triggers myself:

CREATE TRIGGER trigger_update_account_details AFTER UPDATE ON account_details FOR EACH ROW WHEN (OLD.email    IS DISTINCT FROM NEW.email    OR OLD.username IS DISTINCT FROM NEW.username    OR OLD.password IS DISTINCT FROM NEW.password)  EXECUTE PROCEDURE notify_insert_account_details(); 

Evaluating the expression has a tiny cost, but this is probably more reliable than the alternative:

CREATE TRIGGER ... AFTER UPDATE OF email, username, password ... 

Because, per documentation:

A column-specific trigger (one defined using the UPDATE OFcolumn_name syntax) will fire when any of its columns are listed as targets in the UPDATE command's SET list. It is possible for a column's value to change even when the trigger is not fired, because changes made to the row's contents by BEFORE UPDATE triggers are not considered. Conversely, a command such as UPDATE ... SET x = x ... will fire a trigger on column x, even though the column's value did not change.

ROW type syntax is shorter to check on many columns (doing the same):

CREATE TRIGGER trigger_update_account_details AFTER UPDATE ON account_details FOR EACH ROW WHEN ((OLD.email, OLD.username, OLD.password, ...)        IS DISTINCT FROM       (NEW.email, NEW.username, NEW.password, ...)) EXECUTE PROCEDURE notify_insert_account_details(); 

Or, to check for every visible user column in the row:

like image 54
Erwin Brandstetter Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 15:10

Erwin Brandstetter