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findViewByID returns null

First of all: yes, I read all the other threads on this topic. And not only those from this site... (you see, I'm a little frustrated)

Most of them come with the advice to use android:id instead of just id in the XML file. I did.

From others, I learned, that View.findViewById works different than Activity.findViewById. I handled that, too.

In my location_layout.xml, I use:

<FrameLayout .... >     <some.package.MyCustomView ... />      <LinearLayout ... >         <TextView ...             android:id="@+id/txtLat" />         ...     </LinearLayout> </FrameLayout> 

In my Activity I do:

... setContentView( R.layout.location_layout ); 

and in my custom view class:

...  TextView tv = (TextView) findViewById( R.id.txtLat ); 

which returns null. Doing this, my Activity works fine. So maybe it's because of the Activity.findViewById and View.findViewById differences. So I stored the context passed to the customs view constructor locally and tried:

... TextView tv = (TextView) ((Activity) context).findViewById( R.id.txtLat ); 

which also returned null.

Then, I changed my custom view to extend ViewGroup instead View and changed the location_layout.xml to let the TextView be a direct child of my custom view, so that the View.findViewById should work as supposed. Suprise: it didn't solve anything.

So what the heck am I doing wrong?

I'll appreciate any comments.

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Thomas Avatar asked Jul 16 '10 12:07


People also ask

Why is findViewById returning NULL?

FindViewById can be null if you call the wrong super constructor in a custom view. The ID tag is part of attrs, so if you ignore attrs, you delete the ID.

What does findViewById return?

findViewById returns an instance of View , which is then cast to the target class. All good so far. To setup the view, findViewById constructs an AttributeSet from the parameters in the associated XML declaration which it passes to the constructor of View . We then cast the View instance to Button .

What is the significance of findViewById ()?

FindViewById<T>(Int32)Finds a view that was identified by the id attribute from the XML layout resource.

What is Viewview findViewById?

view. findViewById() is used to find a view inside a specific other view. For example to find a view inside your ListView row layout. Your app crashes without it because the view you're searching for is inside rowView .

2 Answers

which returns null

Possibly because you are calling it too early. Wait until onFinishInflate(). Here is a sample project demonstrating a custom View accessing its contents.

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CommonsWare Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 11:10


Possibly, you are calling findViewById before calling setContentView? If that's the case, try calling findViewById AFTER calling setContentView

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Bayram Boyraz Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 11:10

Bayram Boyraz