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findstr exit codes/errorlevel

I have a program that is using findstr, and when the string is found the errorlevel returns 0 and when the string is not found the errorlevel returns 1. Alright, that's fine I can deal with that.

Where the issue lies is I cannot find any official documentation on what each errorlevel means for findstr. I need to know if anything else for findstr could ever return an errorlevel of 1, or if it only returns 1 when the string is not found.

Links to 'official' documentation are preferred, if there are any, but any input would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

like image 909
Saltz3 Avatar asked Aug 04 '15 13:08


2 Answers

http://ss64.com/nt/findstr.html says:

FINDSTR will set %ERRORLEVEL% as follows:

0 (False) a match is found in at least one line of at least one file.
1 (True) if a match is not found in any line of any file, (or if the file is not found at all).
2 Wrong syntax 
An invalid switch will only print an error message in error stream.
like image 113
Stephan Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 18:09


It is documented in the Dos 6.22 Help for FIND command.

FIND exit codes

The following list shows each exit code and a brief description of its

    The search was completed successfully and at least one match was found.

    The search was completed successfully, but no matches were found.

    The search was not completed successfully. In this case, an error
    occurred during the search, and FIND cannot report whether any matches
    were found.

You can use the ERRORLEVEL parameter on the <If> command line in a batch
program to process exit codes returned by FIND.
like image 25
bill Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 18:09
