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Finding the first shared parent of two elements

Lets say I have this DOM structure

        <i>how <b>are</b> you</i>
        <i>what <b>are <tt>you</tt> going</b> to</i>
        eat tonight?

Using jQuery I want to get to know the FIRST shared parent of the


and the


From down to top this would be the < p > not the < body > tag.

Any ideas on how to determine the first shared parent utilizing jQuery?

like image 730
paul Avatar asked Nov 04 '10 17:11


2 Answers

Like this:

$(a).parents().filter(function() { return jQuery.contains(this, b); }).first();

If b is a selector (as opposed to a DOM element), you can change it to:


This is shorter, but substantially slower.

The order of a and b is irrelevant; if b is closer to the parent, it will be faster.

like image 77
SLaks Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 13:09


You can combine .parents() with .filter(), like this:

//or more generic:

This gets all shared parents, you can then take the .first() or .last()...whatever's needed.

You can test it here. Note this is much faster than .has() since we're just comparing 2 DOM element sets, not recursively comparing many. Also, the resulting set will be in the order going up the document, in this example <p> then <body>.

like image 23
Nick Craver Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 12:09

Nick Craver