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Finding the difference between strings in Ruby




I need to take two strings, compare them, and print the difference between them.

So say I have:

teamOne = "Billy, Frankie, Stevie, John"
teamTwo = "Billy, Frankie, Stevie"

$ teamOne.eql? teamTwo 
=> false

I want to say "If the two strings are not equal, print whatever it is that is different between them. In this case, I'm just looking to print "John."

like image 559
btw Avatar asked Jan 08 '09 21:01


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1 Answers

All of the solutions so far ignore the fact that the second array can also have elements that the first array doesn't have. Chuck has pointed out a fix (see comments on other posts), but there is a more elegant solution if you work with sets:

require 'set'

teamOne = "Billy, Frankie, Stevie, John"
teamTwo = "Billy, Frankie, Stevie, Zach"

teamOneSet = teamOne.split(', ').to_set
teamTwoSet = teamTwo.split(', ').to_set

teamOneSet ^ teamTwoSet # => #<Set: {"John", "Zach"}>

This set can then be converted back to an array if need be.

like image 155
Zach Langley Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 18:09

Zach Langley