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Finding the difference between consecutive numbers in a list (Python)

Given a list of numbers, I am trying to write a code that finds the difference between consecutive elements. For instance, A = [1, 10, 100, 50, 40] so the output of the function should be [0, 9, 90, 50, 10]. Here is what I have so far trying to use recursion:

def deviation(A):
    if len(A) < 2:
        return [abs(A[0]-A[1])] + [deviation(A[1: ])]

The output I get, however, (using the above example of A as the input) is [9, [90, [50, [10, None]]]]. How do I properly format my brackets? (I've tried guessing and checking but I this is the closest I have gotten) And how do I write this where it subtracts the current element from the previous element without getting an index error for the first element? I still want the first element of the output list to be zero but I do not know how to go about this using recursion and for some reason that seems the best route to me.

like image 764
user3758443 Avatar asked Jul 07 '14 15:07


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1 Answers

You can do:

[y-x for x, y in zip(A[:-1], A[1:])] 

>>> A = [1, 10, 100, 50, 40]
>>> [y-x for x, y in zip(A[:-1], A[1:])]
[9, 90, -50, -10]

Note that the difference will be negative if the right side is smaller, you can easily fix this (If you consider this wrong), I'll leave the solution for you.


The best explanation you can get is simply printing each part of the list comprehension.

  • A[:-1] returns the list without the last element: [1, 10, 100, 50]
  • A[1:] returns the list without the first element: [10, 100, 50, 40]
  • zip(A[:-1], A[1:]) returns [(1, 10), (10, 100), (100, 50), (50, 40)]
  • The last step is simply returning the difference in each tuple.
like image 191
Maroun Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 21:11
