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Finding specific strings in an array using R





I am trying to find if there is a quick way to search for specific strings in arrays in R, kind of like the game Boggle, except you know the word upfront.

You are allowed to move in the following directions for the next letter of the string: up, down, right or left

Say for a simple example you have an array of the form:

> G    
A, Q, A, Q, Q,  
A, Q, P, Q, Q,   
Q, Q, P, L, Q,   
Q, Q, Q, E, Q

And you want to apply a function to G with the string APPLE, for the function to return TRUE, APPLE exists in this array, and FALSE if it doesn't.

Does there exist a pre-made function or package that can do this, or alternatively is there a smart way to do it, I'm relatively new to dealing with strings in R and I'm struggling to see a way.

Any help much appreciated. Thanks.

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user2915209 Avatar asked Jan 06 '17 14:01


People also ask

How do I find a string in an array of strings?

Check if a String is contained in an Array using indexOf # We used the Array. indexOf method to check if the string two is contained in the array. If the string is not contained in the array, the indexOf method returns -1 , otherwise it returns the index of the first occurrence of the string in the array.

How do you check if a string is in a list of strings in R?

In R, we use the grepl() function to check if characters are present in a string or not. And the method returns a Boolean value, TRUE - if the specified sequence of characters are present in the string.

How do I get an item from an array in R?

Accessing Array Elements In R programming, we can use the index position to access the array elements. Using the index, we can access or alter/change each and every individual element present in it. Index value starts at 1 and ends at n, where n is the size of a matrix, row, or column.

3 Answers

this will first check if there are any characters in your word that do not exist within the array and then will check if the number of characters in the array are sufficient to meet repeat letters in your word

word <- strsplit("APPLE", "")
pool <- c("A", "Q", "A", "Q",
          "Q", "A", "Q", "P",
          "Q", "Q", "Q", "Q",
          "P", "L", "Q", "Q",
          "Q", "Q", "E", "Q")

t.word <- table(word)
t.pool <- table(pool)

length(setdiff(names(t.word), names(t.pool))) == 0
min(t.pool[names(t.word)] - t.word) >= 0

the last two functions will both output TRUE to show that all the letters from word exist in pool and that the count of a single letter in word is not greater than that of pool

in function form that will output TRUE if found, otherwise FALSE

word.find <- function(word, pool) {
  t.word <- table(strsplit(word, ""))
  t.pool <- table(pool)
  length(setdiff(names(t.word), names(t.pool))) == 0 & min(t.pool[names(t.word)] - t.word) >= 0

word.find("APPLE", pool)
[1] TRUE

word.find("APPLES", pool)

word.find("APPLEE", pool)
like image 187
manotheshark Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 19:10


This function works using only base R


search_string = function(matrix_array, word_to_search){

    position = data.frame(NA,NA,NA) #Create empty dataframe

    word_to_search_inv = sapply(lapply(strsplit(word_to_search, NULL), rev), paste, collapse="") #Reverse word_to_search

    for (i in 1:nrow(matrix_array)){
        str_row = paste((matrix_array[i,]),collapse = "") #Collapse entire row into a string
        if (grepl(word_to_search,str_row)) { #Check if the word_to_search is in the string towards right
            position = rbind(position,c(i,paste(gregexpr(word_to_search, str_row)[[1]], collapse = ', '),"RIGHT")) #Get position and add it to the dataframe      
        if (grepl(word_to_search_inv,str_row)) {#Check if the word_to_search is in the string towards left (by checking for reverse of word_to_search)
            position = rbind(position,c(i,paste(gregexpr(word_to_search_inv, str_row)[[1]], collapse = ', '),"LEFT"))       

    for (j in 1:ncol(matrix_array)){        
        str_column = paste((matrix_array[,j]),collapse = "")
        if (grepl(word_to_search, str_column)) { #Check if the word_to_search is in the string towards down
            position = rbind(position, c(paste(gregexpr(word_to_search, str_column)[[1]], collapse = ', '),j,"DOWN"))
        if (grepl(word_to_search_inv, str_column)) { #Check if the word_to_search is in the string towards up
            position = rbind(position, c(paste(gregexpr(word_to_search_inv, str_column)[[1]], collapse = ', '),j,"UP"))

    colnames(position) = c("ROW","COLUMN","DIRECTION")
    position = position[c(2:nrow(position)),]
    rownames(position) = NULL
    return(position) #Return the datafram containing row, columnm, and direction where word_to_match is found


mydata = structure(c("A", "A", "Q", "Q", "D", "Q", "Q", "Q", "Q", "B", 
                     "A", "P", "P", "L", "E", "Q", "Q", "L", "E", "S", "Q", "Q", "Q", 
                     "Q", "T", "A", "P", "P", "L", "E"), .Dim = c(5L, 6L), .Dimnames = list(NULL, c("V1", "V2", 
                                                                           "V3", "V4", "V5", "V6")))

key = "APPLE"

#Run the function
pos = search_string(mydata,key)
like image 34
d.b Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 18:10


Adding another approach, having:

board = structure(c("A", "A", "Q", "Q", "Q", "Q", "Q", "Q", "A", "P", 
"P", "Q", "Q", "Q", "L", "E", "Q", "Q", "Q", "Q"), .Dim = 4:5, .Dimnames = list(
    NULL, NULL))

word = "APPLE"

we start with:

matches = lapply(strsplit(word, NULL)[[1]], function(x) which(x == board, arr.ind = TRUE))

which is a simple -probably unavoidable- search of indices of "board" that match each letter of the word. It's a "list" containing the row/col indices like:

#     row col
#[1,]   1   1
#[2,]   2   1
#[3,]   1   3
#     row col
#[1,]   2   3
#[2,]   3   3

Having that, we need to find out, progressively, whether an index in each element has a neighbour (i.e. the right/left/up/down cell) in the next element. E.g. we need something like:

as.matrix(find_neighbours(matches[[1]], matches[[2]], dim(board)))
#      [,1]  [,2]

which informs us, that the row 3 of matches[[1]] is a neighbour of row 1 of matches[[2]], i.e. [1, 3] and [2, 3] are, indeed, neighbouring cells. We need this for each successive element in "matches":

are_neighs = Map(function(x, y) which(find_neighbours(x, y, dim(board)), TRUE), 
                 matches[-length(matches)], matches[-1])
#     [,1] [,2]
#[1,]    3    1
#     [,1] [,2]
#[1,]    2    1
#[2,]    1    2
#     [,1] [,2]
#[1,]    2    1
#     [,1] [,2]
#[1,]    1    1

Now that we have the pairwise ("i" with "i + 1") neighbour matches we need to complete the chain. For this example we'd like to have a vector like c(1, 2, 1, 1) which contains the info that the row 1 of are_neighs[[1]] is chained with the row 2 of are_neighs[[2]] which is chained with row 1 of are_neighs[[3]] which is chained with row 1 of are_neighs[[4]]. This smells like an "igraph" problem, but I'm not so familiar with it (hopefully someone has a better idea), so here's a naive approach to get that chaining:

row_connections = matrix(NA_integer_, nrow(are_neighs[[1]]), length(are_neighs))
row_connections[, 1] = 1:nrow(are_neighs[[1]])
cur = are_neighs[[1]][, 2]
for(i in 1:(length(are_neighs) - 1)) {
    im = match(cur, are_neighs[[i + 1]][, 1]) 
cur = are_neighs[[i + 1]][, 2][im]
row_connections[, i + 1] = im
row_connections = row_connections[complete.cases(row_connections), , drop = FALSE]

Which returns:

#     [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
#[1,]    1    2    1    1

Having this vector, now, we can extract the respective chain from "are_neighs":

Map(function(x, i) x[i, ], are_neighs, row_connections[1, ])
#[1] 3 1
#[1] 1 2
#[1] 2 1
#[1] 1 1

which can be used to extract the appropriate row/col chain of indices from "matches":

ans = vector("list", nrow(row_connections))
for(i in 1:nrow(row_connections)) {
     connect = Map(function(x, i) x[i, ], are_neighs, row_connections[i, ])
     ans[[i]] = do.call(rbind, Map(function(x, i) x[i, ], matches, c(connect[[1]][1], sapply(connect, "[", 2))))
#     row col
#[1,]   1   3
#[2,]   2   3
#[3,]   3   3
#[4,]   3   4
#[5,]   4   4

Wrapping it all in a function (find_neighbours is defined inside):

ff = function(word, board)
    matches = lapply(strsplit(word, NULL)[[1]], function(x) which(x == board, arr.ind = TRUE))

    find_neighbours = function(x, y, d)
        neighbours = function(i, j, d = d) 
            ij = rbind(cbind(i, j + c(-1L, 1L)), cbind(i + c(-1L, 1L), j))
            ijr = ij[, 1]; ijc = ij[, 2]
            ij = ij[((ijr > 0L) & (ijr <= d[1])) & ((ijc > 0L) & (ijc <= d[2])), ]

            ij[, 1] + (ij[, 2] - 1L) * d[1]

        x.neighs = lapply(1:nrow(x), function(i) neighbours(x[i, 1], x[i, 2], dim(board)))
        y = y[, 1] + (y[, 2] - 1L) * d[1]

        x.sparse = sparseMatrix(i = unlist(x.neighs), 
                                j = rep(seq_along(x.neighs), lengths(x.neighs)), 
                                x = 1L, dims = c(prod(d), length(x.neighs)))
        y.sparse = sparseMatrix(i = y, j = seq_along(y), x = 1L, dims = c(prod(d), length(y)))                         

        ans = crossprod(x.sparse, y.sparse, boolArith = TRUE)


    are_neighs = Map(function(x, y) which(find_neighbours(x, y, dim(board)), TRUE), matches[-length(matches)], matches[-1])

    row_connections = matrix(NA_integer_, nrow(are_neighs[[1]]), length(are_neighs))
    row_connections[, 1] = 1:nrow(are_neighs[[1]])
    cur = are_neighs[[1]][, 2]
    for(i in 1:(length(are_neighs) - 1)) {
        im = match(cur, are_neighs[[i + 1]][, 1]) 
        cur = are_neighs[[i + 1]][, 2][im]
        row_connections[, i + 1] = im
    row_connections = row_connections[complete.cases(row_connections), , drop = FALSE]

    ans = vector("list", nrow(row_connections))
    for(i in 1:nrow(row_connections)) {
        connect = Map(function(x, i) x[i, ], are_neighs, row_connections[i, ])
        ans[[i]] = do.call(rbind, Map(function(x, i) x[i, ], matches, c(connect[[1]][1], sapply(connect, "[", 2))))

We can try it:

ff("APPLE", board)
#     row col
#[1,]   1   3
#[2,]   2   3
#[3,]   3   3
#[4,]   3   4
#[5,]   4   4

And with more than one matches:

ff("AQQP", board)
#     row col
#[1,]   1   1
#[2,]   1   2
#[3,]   2   2
#[4,]   2   3
#     row col
#[1,]   1   3
#[2,]   1   2
#[3,]   2   2
#[4,]   2   3
#     row col
#[1,]   1   3
#[2,]   1   4
#[3,]   2   4
#[4,]   2   3

Although, it's flexible in returning multiple matches, it does not return all possible matches and, in a nutshell, that's because of the use of match when building the chain of neighbours -- a linear search could be used instead, but -at the moment- adds significant code complexity.

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alexis_laz Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 19:10
