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Finding out Big O for this loop [duplicate]

What would be the time complexity for Babylonian Method? is it log(n) where n is the number we want to find the squared root for? If so, why is this so?

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kchoi Avatar asked Sep 06 '12 22:09


People also ask

What is the big O of a double for loop?

This simple example has two 'for' loops, and for each element 'N' it will execute 'N' times. So in total it will execute N^2 times. In big O notation we would say that this algorithm has a complexity of O(N^2).

What is the big O notation of a loop inside a loop?

Hence O(n(n+1)/2) = O(n^2).

How do you calculate the big O of a nested loop?

You can calculate big O like this: Any number of nested loops will add an additional power of 1 to n. So, if we have three nested loops, the big O would be O(n^3). For any number of loops, the big O is O(n^(number of loops)).

How do you calculate time complexity of a loop?

For any loop, we find out the runtime of the block inside them and multiply it by the number of times the program will repeat the loop. All loops that grow proportionally to the input size have a linear time complexity O(n) . If you loop through only half of the array, that's still O(n) .

1 Answers

Looking at the wikipedia section for the Babylonian method we can see that the relative error at step k, ek, satisfies the equation ek < 2-f(k), where f(k) is defined recursively as follows:

f(1) = 2 and f(k+1) = 2 * f(k) + 1 for n > 1

By induction, f(k) = 3 * 2k-1 - 1

Let n be the input to our algorithm, which stops when we are sure that the total error is less than a constant m

The error at step k, Ek, satisfies the equation Ek = ek * n

Therefore the algorithm will terminate once ek * n < m

This will occur when 2f(k) > n/m which is equivalent to f(k) > log2(n/m)

That equation is true when 2k-1 > (log2(n/m) - 1)/3 which is true when k > log2((log2(n/m) - 1)/3)+ 1

Therefore the algorithm will terminate in O(log(log(n/m)+1)) steps.

Using this logarithmic summation formula you can show that log(log(x)+c)) = O(log(log(x)).

Therefore the Babylonian method takes O(log(log(n/m)) steps

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laurie Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 05:11
