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Finding nearest neighbours of radial segments

First, don't be scared by the looks of this question ;)

I'm trying to implement a shape descriptor in matlab called Circular Blurred Shape Model, and part of this is to get a list of nearest neighbours for every radial segment as can be seen in Figure 1d)

I went for a straight and simple implementation in MATLAB but I'm stuck at Step 5 and 6 of the algorithm, mainly because I can't wrap my head around the definition:

Xb{c,s} = {b1, ..., b{c*s}} as the sorted set of the elements in B* 
so that d(b*{c,s}, bi*) <= d(b*{c,s}, bj*), i<j

For me this sounds like a cascaded sorting, first sort by ascending distance and then by ascending index, but the nearest neighbours I find are not according to the paper.

Circulare Blurred Shape Model Description Algorithm

As an example I show you the nearest neighbours I obtain for the segment b{4,1}, this is the one marked "EX" in Figure 1d)

I get the following list of nearest neighbors for b{4,1}: b{3,2}, b{3,1}, b{3,8}, b{2,1}, b{2,8}

correct according to the paper would be: b{4,2}, b{4,8}, b{3,2}, b{3,1}, b{3,8}

However my points actually are the closest set to the selected segment measured by euclidean distance! The distance b{4,1} <=> b{2,1} is smaller than b{4,1} <=> b{4,2} or b{4,1} <=> b{4,8}...

enter image description here

And here is my (ugly, but straight forward) MATLAB code:

width  = 734;
height = 734;

assert(width == height, 'Image must be square in size!');

% Radius of the correlogram
R = width;

% Number of circles in correlogram
C = 4;

% Number of sections in correlogram
S = 8;

% "width" of ring segments
d = R/C;

% angle of one segment in degrees
g = 360/S;

% set of bins for the circular description of I
B = zeros(C, S);

% centroid coordinates for bins
B_star = zeros(C,S,2);

% calculate centroids of bins
for c=1:C
    for s=1:S
        alpha = deg2rad(max(s-1, 0)*g + g/2);
        r     = d*max((c-1),0) + d/2;

        B_star(c,s,1) = r*cos(alpha);
        B_star(c,s,2) = r*sin(alpha);

% create sorted list of bin numbers which fullfill
% d(b{c,s}*, bi*) <= d(b{c,s}, bj*) where i<j

% B_star_dists is a simple square distance matrix for getting
% the distance between two centroids c_i,s_i and c_j,s_j
B_star_dists = zeros(C*S, C*S);
for i=1:C*S
    [c_i, s_i] = ind2sub([C,S], i);
    % x,y centroid coordinates for point i
    b_star_i   = [B_star(c_i, s_i, 1), B_star(c_i, s_i, 2)];

    for j=1:C*S
        [c_j, s_j] = ind2sub([C,S], j);
        % x,y centroid coordinates for point j
        b_star_j   = [B_star(c_j, s_j, 1), B_star(c_j, s_j, 2)];

        % store the euclidean distance between these two centroids
        % in the distance matrix.
        B_star_dists(i,j) = norm(b_star_i - b_star_j);

% calculate nearest neighbour "centroids" for each centroid
% B_NN is a cell array, B{idx} gives an array of indexes to the 
% nearest neighbour centroids. 

B_NN = cell(C*S, 1);
for i=1:C*S
    [c_i, s_i] = ind2sub([C,S], i);

    % get a (C*S)x2 matrix of all distances, the first column are the array
    % indexes and the second column are the distances e.g
    % 1   d1
    % 2   d2
    % ..  ..
    % CS  d{c,s}

    dists = [transpose(1:C*S), B_star_dists(:, i)];

    % sort ascending by the distances first (e.g second column) then
    % sort ascending by the array index (e.g first column)
    dists = sortrows(dists, [2,1]);

    % middle section has nine neighbours, set as default
    neighbour_count = 9;

    if c_i == 1
        % inner region has S+3 neighbours
        neighbour_count = S+3;
    elseif c_i == C
        % outer most ring has 6 neighbours
        neighbour_count = 6;

    B_NN{i} = dists(1:neighbour_count,1);


hold on;
for c=1:C
    % plot circles
    r = c*d;
    plot(r*cos(0:pi/50:2*pi), r*sin(0:pi/50:2*pi), 'k:');

for s=1:S
    % plot lines

    line_len = C*d;
    alpha    = deg2rad(s*g); 

    start_pt = [0, 0];
    end_pt   = start_pt + line_len.*[cos(alpha), sin(alpha)];

    plot([start_pt(1), end_pt(1)], [start_pt(2), end_pt(2)], 'k-');

for c=1:C
    % plot centroids of segments
    for s=1:S
        segment_centroid = B_star(c,s, :);
        plot(segment_centroid(1), segment_centroid(2), '.k');

% plot some nearest neighbours
% list of [C;S] 
plot_nn = [4;1];

for i = 1:size(plot_nn,2) 
   start_c = plot_nn(1,i);
   start_s = plot_nn(2,i);

   start_pt = [B_star(start_c, start_s,1), B_star(start_c, start_s,2)];
   start_idx = sub2ind([C, S], start_c, start_s);

   plot(start_pt(1), start_pt(2), 'xb');

   nn_idx_list = B_NN{start_idx};

   for j = 1:length(nn_idx_list)
      nn_idx = nn_idx_list(j); 
      [nn_c, nn_s] = ind2sub([C, S], nn_idx);
      nn_pt = [B_star(nn_c, nn_s,1), B_star(nn_c, nn_s,2)];

      plot(nn_pt(1), nn_pt(2), 'xr');

The full paper can be found here

like image 756
sled Avatar asked Sep 26 '22 13:09


2 Answers

The paper talks about "region neighbours"; the interpretation that these are the "nearest neighbours" in a Euclidian distance sense is incorrect. They are simply regions that are neighbours of a certain region, and the method of finding them is trivial:

The regions have 2 coordinates: (c,s) where c denotes which concentric circle they're part of, from 1 in the center to C at the edge, and s denotes which sector they're part of, from 1 starting at angle 0° to S ending at angle 360°.

Every region whose c and s coordinates differ at most 1 from the region's coordinates, is a neighbouring region (segment numbers wrap around from S to 1.) Depending on the location of the region, there are 3 cases: (as illustrated in fig. 1d)

  • The region is a middle region (marked MI) e.g. region b(2,4)
    There are 2 neighbouring circles and 2 neighbouring sectors, so 9 regions in total:
    every region in circle 1, 2 or 3 and sector 3, 4 or 5:
    b(1,3), b(2,3), b(3,3), b(1,4), b(2,4), b(3,4), b(1,5), b(2,5), b(3,5)

  • The region is an inner region (marked IN) e.g. region b(1,8)
    There is only one neighbouring circle and 2 neighbouring sectors, but all the inner regions are neighbours, so S + 3 regions in total:
    every region in circle 2 and sector 7, 8 or 1:
    b(2,7), b(2,8), b(2,1)
    and every region in the inner circle:
    b(1,1), b(1,2), b(1,3), b(1,4), b(1,5), b(1,6), b(1,7), b(1,8)

  • The region is an external region (marked EX) e.g. region b(3,1)
    There is only one neighbouring circle and 2 neighbouring sectors, so 6 regions in total:
    every region in circle 2 or 3 and sector 8, 1 or 2:
    b(2,8), b(2,1), b(2,2), b(3,8), b(3,1), b(3,2)

like image 87

To add a bit of matlab to the great answer of @m69, you could automatize the indexing of neighbours like this:

%assume C and S defined according to the answer of @m69
iif=@(varargin) varargin{2*find([varargin{1:2:end}], 1, 'first')}();
ncfun=@(c) iif(c==1,c+1,c==C,c-1,true,[c-1, c+1]);
nsfun=@(s)mod([s-1, s+1]-1,S)+1;
neighbs=@(c,s) [b(c,nsfun(s)), b(ncfun(c),s)', reshape(b(ncfun(c),nsfun(s)),1,[])];
  1. The first one defines an inline if for use in anonymous functions, to spare having to define functions in separate files (this would be needed for the c case). This has the syntax iif(condition1,result1,condition2,result2,...), where each condition is tested after one another, and the result corresponding to the first condition yielding true is returned.

  2. The second one defines the radial neighbour indices with an if: return [c-1, c+1] unless either of these is undefined (which would lead to array bound violations)

  3. The third one defines a periodic indexing for the angular sectors, such that for S=4 nsfun(2)==[1, 3] and nsfun(4)==[3, 1].

  4. I just added an example where for a given valid pair of c,s neighbs(c,s) will return the subarray of b(1:C,1:S) which are neighbours: first the up-down/left-right neighbours, then the (up to) four corner ones.

like image 33