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Finding location of rectangles in an image with OpenCV

I'm trying to use OpenCV to "parse" screenshots from the iPhone game Blocked. The screenshots are cropped to look like this:

Blocked screenshot

I suppose for right now I'm just trying to find the coordinates of each of the 4 points that make up each rectangle. I did see the sample file squares.c that comes with OpenCV, but when I run that algorithm on this picture, it comes up with 72 rectangles, including the rectangular areas of whitespace that I obviously don't want to count as one of my rectangles. What is a better way to approach this? I tried doing some Google research, but for all of the search results, there is very little relevant usable information.

like image 496
dancavallaro Avatar asked Jan 14 '10 22:01


People also ask

How do you find the coordinates of a cv2 rectangle?

start_point: It is the starting coordinates of rectangle. The coordinates are represented as tuples of two values i.e. (X coordinate value, Y coordinate value). end_point: It is the ending coordinates of rectangle. The coordinates are represented as tuples of two values i.e. (X coordinate value, Y coordinate value).

How do you find the coordinates of the bounding box on OpenCV?

Simply find the contours of your mask (docs) and then find the bounding rectangle (docs) of the contour. Note here that the bounding boxes will be represented by the four items (x, y, w, h) , where x, y is the top left corner, and w, h are the width and height respectively.

1 Answers

The similar issue has already been discussed: How to recognize rectangles in this image?

As for your data, rectangles you are trying to find are the only black objects. So you can try to do a threshold binarization: black pixels are those ones which have ALL three RGB values less than 40 (I've found it empirically). This simple operation makes your picture look like this:

binarized picture

After that you could apply Hough transform to find lines (discussed in the topic I referred to), or you can do it easier. Compute integral projections of the black pixels to X and Y axes. (The projection to X is a vector of x_i - numbers of black pixels such that it has the first coordinate equal to x_i). So, you get possible x and y values as the peaks of the projections. Then look through all the possible segments restricted by the found x and y (if there are a lot of black pixels between (x_i, y_j) and (x_i, y_k), there probably is a line probably). Finally, compose line segments to rectangles!

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Roman Shapovalov Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 20:09

Roman Shapovalov